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Declaring cautions on a 457 application query


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Hi forumites


Quick question if I may; I received a simple caution here in the UK back in 2012.


The application form question is:


• been convicted of a crime or offence in any

country (including any conviction which is

now removed from official records)?



To be issued with a simple caution you are neither


a) charged with any crime or offence.(that would come if you didnt accept the caution, ie you would be arrested and then charged) or

b) convicted - a caution is not a conviction.


What do you fine folk suggest in terms of answering said question?

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You should mention the caution, the circumstances, admit guilt and say you're sorry. I would avoid phrases such as "back in 2012" because it is actually very recent and risks making it look like you are trying to distance yourself from it rather than accepting it and dealing with it.


Criminal convictions or other policy matters are only a problem if (a) you are sentenced to a total of 12 months in jail or (b) you look like you are trying to hide or shrink them.

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