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Reference Company Gone Bust for 189 Visa


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Hi all, at the start of what seems like an arduous process for a 189 visa since returning from a 2 year WHV. The company my partner worked for before going to Oz have gone bust. He does have bank statements showing that they paid him for over a year, would this be acceptable proof for VETASSESS/DIAC? Thanks for any help! :biggrin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a common occurrence. If you can I would suggest trying to get a reference from an immediate supervisor and/or submitting a self-reference as a statutory declaration with a note explaining the circumstances. P60's or payslips would be preferable supporting evidence rather than bank statements in my opinion.


All the best,

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Guest guest41161

I did have the same thing several years ago when I applied. Could not get in touch with anyone from the company, so submitted a declaration about this, what I had done to try and prove I had been employed, and also a faded carbon copy of either a payslip, or tax form from them (too long ago to remember exact form). I don't know if it was significant enough or if my other employment was enough, but I was accepted.

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