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Basic questions from an American


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Hello! I'm not sure if this is the proper forum or site, but it seemed like a good place to start. Anyhow, I'm planning on traveling to Australia with the intention of becoming a citizen. I have applied for my tourist visa, and I have a friend there to stay with when i arrive. My question is, when does the time on my visa start? Also, can it be adjusted before I leave? I also have an "ETA eligible" passport, what does that mean? I'll greatly appreciate any advice. Thank you!

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Coming to Oz on a tourist visa with an intention of becoming a citizen is a very interesting one, at least you are straight with it.


Well, an important factor will be the skills you have. if you have any of the in-demand skills in australia, with enough experience and qualification, you might be able to get Permanent Residence and eventually, citizenship.


another option will be permanent residence by marriage/de facto relationship. if you are in a relationship with an Australian, you might have the option to apply for Permanent Residence and eventually, citizenship.


if you have none of these, you might struggle mate.


And to answer your question, Your visa started the day it was granted. As per the ETA, see https://www.eta.immi.gov.au/ETA/etas.jsp


Good luck.

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