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forming a plastering gang


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Hi gaz thanks for your reply,


Yea ceilings can be a nightmare on your own! That sounds great, what areas do you work in? I will be coming over to australia on my partners sponsored visa in April so have no ABN at the moment but I can sort this out, do you need a white card to work on site?


Also so what sort of money can you expect on site in Brisbane?


thanks a lot for your reply


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Hi hope there may be someone who can give some advice, looking at comming over to live in WA shortly, my husband is a self taught plasterer with over 7 years experience, however as hes self taught he has no formal qualifications, is there something he can do in the uk prior to comming out. Heard about RPL does he need to do this or will he be able to wirk without a certificate thanks.

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Hi hope there may be someone who can give some advice, looking at coming over to live in WA shortly, my husband is a self taught plasterer with over 7 years experience, however as hes self taught he has no formal qualifications, is there something he can do in the UK prior to coming out. Heard about RPL does he need to do this or will he be able to work without a certificate thanks.



If it's not your husband applying then I wouldn't bother as I have never been asked to show certificates, it's a case of ring up someone, they give you a chance if your works good they'll pay you' if not they wont and you wont get any more work off them. Over here you need a white/blue card, I did mine online with Bluedog training, it wasn't very much and takes about an hour and half. I know in QLD you need a licence for jobs worth more than $3300 if your proper self employed not subbying and for that you do need the AQF, city and guilds/NVQ means nothing here and then apply for your licence.


If he is the main applicant then yes he will need certificates.

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Hi gaz thanks for your reply,


Yea ceilings can be a nightmare on your own! That sounds great, what areas do you work in? I will be coming over to australia on my partners sponsored visa in April so have no ABN at the moment but I can sort this out, do you need a white card to work on site?


Also so what sort of money can you expect on site in Brisbane?


thanks a lot for your reply



Hey Steve

we are living in Redcliffe which is half an hour from Brisbane so work anywhere either way from my house within half an hour, yes you need a white card and to get the white card do it online with Bluedog training, that is who I did mine with and it was straight forward, tape and joint on site is $900 for a house and I can do one in 2 hard days so 2 men could do it in the day, it's all done using boxes over here, but as I've said before I want to board and they glue boards on over here with screws at the top and bottom of a board and that's it, they also board side ways over here not upright like in the UK.

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