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Help! Visa expires on March 15

Sunny Jodie

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Hi all,


We are in Queensland on a student visa. I have just finished my degree in psychology and now see that the graduate visa rules have changed in that it is only open to people who's student visa was granted after November 2011. Ours was in July 2010. I also do not have a 'skilled occupation' , but have enough points :-(....so infuriating! We desperately want to stay in Australia and need some options? Anyone been through this or can offer any advice?





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A new Post-Study Work Stream which only applies to people who were granted their Student visas after 5 November 2011 has been added to the Graduate visa but as I understand it, the rules haven't actually changed for people who were granted their Student visas before that date. They can still apply for an 18 month Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) via the Graduate Work Stream provided they have qualifications in an occupation on the SOL and have met the Australian Study Requirement in the last 6 months - these are exactly the same requirements that applied before the PSW Stream was added.


Here's a link to a PDF of the application form - the preamble explains it all pretty clearly.


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