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Getting my Super back in the UK


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Hi Helen,


As I understand it, you can't get your money back if you have obtained a permanent visa or citizenship. You can now only leave it here and draw a pension on it when the time comes.


I'm on a 457 (temporary) visa and I'm expecting to get my super back (less a 50% tax deduction) when I leave. But I'm not going for PR purely because I understand I'll lose the ability to get my super contributions back when I leave, and that might be a deposit on a new house in Blighty.

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Hi Pommian,


Thanks for your quick reply - I loved what you put in the other forum about why you wanted to go back to the UK!


Looks like I won't be able to claim my super back then... I'm planning to buy my first house when I move back and it would have been handy. Getting my other money out quick before the exchange rate gets any worse, wish I'd had the money this time last year, but oh well, nothing will get rid of my excitement of going home - except maybe the stress of getting my Australian partner over there!!


When are you moving back?

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Hi Pommian,


Thanks for your quick reply - I loved what you put in the other forum about why you wanted to go back to the UK!


Looks like I won't be able to claim my super back then... I'm planning to buy my first house when I move back and it would have been handy. Getting my other money out quick before the exchange rate gets any worse, wish I'd had the money this time last year, but oh well, nothing will get rid of my excitement of going home - except maybe the stress of getting my Australian partner over there!!


When are you moving back?


I MAY be wrong, but I think if you give up your PR status you may still be able to get you Super contributions back (I don't believe there is any chance if your a citizen though). Hopefully other people will be able to confirm this one way of the other.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been told this and haven't done it yet, but I know of two people who have when there pr had expired (I believe you can cancel it), with no Ozties ie a house here claimed there super back, I have been challenged on this before as they aren't people I know well, but I have heard other people talk about this. I think its just one of those grey areas that you won't know until you try. I think the key is in proving you can't come back ie no visa

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The official line is that only eligible temporary residents departing Australia can claim it back.


Here is the link http://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Super/In-detail/Receiving-benefits/Withdrawing-your-super-and-paying-tax/#Access_for_temporary_residents_leaving_Australia_permanently


There is no other condition of release that allows permanent residents exiting the ability to claim early access to superannuation.


I too have heard stories of permanent residents claiming it back but I am not sure how, perhaps this was before this legislation was brought about or that they managed to deal with someone not fully aware of the rules (at the time)?





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I have just been on the phone to my super company. I am a citizen and moving back to the uk after 8 years. As you mentioned i can not move my super over to the UK EXCEPT if i give up my citienship. If i do this then i can move it. I presume it works the same for you Helen as you are PR so if you give it up you can get it back. Otherwise they also suggested talking to someone in the UK who might be able to work on your behalf to get it back for you so perhaps speak to an accountant when you get back. Hope that helps :-)

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When the financial adviser (expert) says it can't be done, it can't be done. Apart from rumour and hearsay, I've read of no one that has done it. One suggestion is that before you leave move the money from your super into a self-managed fund and then embezzle the money out.


All the information around DASP (Departing Australia Superannuation Payment) on the ATO website, says it is for temporary visa holders. http://www.ato.gov.au/Super/APRA-regulated-funds/Reporting-and-administrative-obligations/Departing-Australia-super-payment-%28DASP%29/

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