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Where to eat?

George and Mildred

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Hi can any of you lovely Tasmanian people help?


My family and I are coming to Tasmania at the end of the month to have a look around with a view to moving there. We are staying in The Huon Valley.


My concern is I have food allergies. I have been having a google at where I can eat but don't seem to be getting very far with my search.


I follow the Paleo diet as I can't eat gluten,dairy,corn or soy this makes it easy for me. I can only find Paleo meals to order.

I have found a few gluten free places but if I eat Paleo I know I won't be sick whilst we are away.


Just wondered if anybody knew of any places that cater for food allergies.



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I can't say I am aware of any but, as I don't eat out often, I may be out of the loop.

I have seen menu items with the notations "gf" and "df" beside them - gluten free and dairy free - and I suspect you will just have to be selective about the individual dishes you choose, wherever you eat.

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Hi Skani,


I guess I will know more when I get there, I don't eat out often myself it's too hard.

I just wondered if there was somewhere but they didn't have a website.

Thanks for the reply.


I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I see anything.

By the way, it was the last place I ate at - my local pub - where I noticed the dairy free and gluten free notations besides dishes, so maybe it's becoming a common practice?

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There are lots of paleo people in Hobart. Lots! I know Hobart isn't the Huon Valley but it's only 30 mins away...


Have a look at this list http://primalgirk.wordpress.com/2013/04/17/eating-out-in-hobart/


These guys have a cafe http://www.augustocafe.com.au/ and an order service https://www.facebook.com/OnTheGoPaleoMeals You may see me here - it's great! :)


Some good ideas here http://www.meetup.com/Paleo-Hobart/


If you're on facebook try posting a question to on the go paleo meals and I bet you get a very good response for other paleo eateries!


Enjoy your stay!

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I am a veggie, my grandson is lactose intolerant, we generally find that if you phone before you go to most restaurants and advice them of allergies/specific dietatary specs, they will do their best to cater for your needs. If you just rock up and hope that they can help - they probably can't. Phone first.

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