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Hi everyone,


I have been lurking for a while and thought now would be a good time to say hi :cute:


My OH and I are just in the early steps of applying for a 189 or a 190 and this website has been so helpful for advice. We have done the IELTs and submitted the skills assessment today (my OH is an accountant and we are applying through him).


We are hoping to make our first trip over this year to do some looking around, we are currently thinking Perth or Adelaide, but have not yet made the final decision.


I have no doubt i will have loads of questions as we progress through the visa steps, but for now thanks for all the useful info so far :cute:

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Hi Tina :)


Good luck for your EOI, how exciting. Have you been to Australia before? Our friends think we are mad wanting to move somewhere we have never visited. I cant wait for our trip this year to go exploring. Where abouts do you think you will settle over there?



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My husbands been before but I've not!!! Everyone thinks I'm mad too, but sometimes you've got to do these things or it'll never happen! Pretty terrifying though!!

We're looking at Brisbane, but a lot depends on where the teaching jobs are for him! Our 16 year old son is also totally up for it - he's actually the one that suggested we go this year.


Good luck with everything! X

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Michaela,


Exciting times ahead for you and your family! Wishing you well with your journey.


Have you any plans on when you would like to move?


I change my mind every week on location, its heart Vs head!




Hi Jac2011,


thanks for the well wishes :)


We are between Perth and Adelaide. Mainly because we have family in Perth, which always helps. For Adelaide, the company both OH and I work for have offices there, so as we progress down the line we will approach them about transfers. But we are going to do a trip over this year and have a good look around those two and Melbourne too. Exciting :)


How about you?



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Hi Tina0101


It is an amazing adventure - we went through it 6 years ago. If you need any advice or have any questions about Brisbane let me know. I'll be happy to help.

Eben those questions that you think are too silly to ask need to be asked to put your mind at rest. There can be enough stress in the process without adding to it!!!

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