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Looking to meet new people in Noosaville area

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Hi Everyone :biggrin:


We have recently moved to Noosaville from the UK and are looking to make some new friends. We have only been in Australia since mid October, we started in Sydney and then took a drive up and have settled here. We have no family or friends here so Christmas was a quiet affair, now we are into the New Year we plan to change that situation.


We have heard that there are a lot of people from the UK living in the area so it would be great to hear from a few!




Gareth and Suzanne

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Hi Gareth & Suzanne

Welcome to the sunny coast, there is definitely quite a few english around on the coast. I am on sippy downs, are you on facebk? i can put you in touch with a lovely group of peeps, they are a mix of Aussies, poms, kiwis :)

Bit hot at the moment for the coast, normally a few degrees cooler, just the humidity is a pain.

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Hi there


I did reply ages ago BUT I sent it to someone completely different somehow! I worry myself sometimes. How are you doing, nice of you to reply.


If you can private message me as they have removed the links to our Facebook profiles. I did try to private message you but have been unable to do so.



Its been pretty damn hot the last couple of days! Trying not to complain :0)

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My family and I have been in Noosa for 5 years now, we moved from Edinburgh and we love it here. I run group ( Life Beyond 30) for women who are new to the area we have coffee, cocktails go to the cinema etc. A friend of mine also runs a group called Noosa Familes where we do family stuff. Both of these are on facebook, it would be great to catch up with you, the girls and I have coffee every wed morning at the Lazy River on Gympie Terrace. 9am. Hope to see you soon! x

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We have just moved to the Coast too. Christmas at home and New Year here…!


Have met some lovely people so far and everyone is really friendly.


Be lovely to hear from others in the area too. Will also be sure to look up Wendy's group on facebook :)

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My husband and I have lived in Melbourne for 10 years. Im british, he's aussie. we have established ourselves with a great network of aussie and ex pats friends but want to 'get out of the rate race' and Noosa has long since been our favourite spot to holiday.


it will take effort to re-establish our friend network again in noosa. Is there much of a british ex pat community in the area? what's is like to live in a Noosa and surrounds?


can you paint me a bit of picture as to what I can expect? It would be good to know what frustrates you about the area too? nowhere's perfect, melbourne certainly isnt, its just helpful to get an idea from the locals, and ex pats in particular. thanks for any info you can offer.

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