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Hi I am moving to Oz in August/September 2014 , when I will have just turned 17 . I finished UK high school August 2013 and am doing a college course level 2 to try and improve my gcse grades. Ideally i'd like to go to uni eventually , but I am looking at vocational courses as a back stop. Can anyone advise me what my options are when I go to Australlia. I have read about the HSC , but I don't want to be in a year group which is miles below my age. Nor wear school uniform if possible! hahaha. just confused as to whether the HSC or TAFE is better and which is funded/not funded.

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At 17 you'd probably be better going to TAFE to do yr 11/12. It's a shame you couldn't stay and do A levels as they would have been a better option for you. You aren't going to be competitive anywhere without yr 12 so that is going to have to be your priority. You would do the HSC at TAFE but be aware that your scores will probably be lower than if you did HSC in a school as your cohort will likely be kids who haven't managed too well at school. You will need yr 12 to get into trade based courses. Funding could be an issue - schools are free, TAFEs have fees and the fee depends on your visa - if you're a dependent on a permanent visa then you will pay domestic rate fees upfront. If you are on a 457 or other temp visa then you will pay international student rates.

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