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Should UK Citizenship be Permanent?

The Fisheys

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Lots of arguments going on about these hard working Rumanians and Bulgarians coming over to help fill the jobs our own feel are beneath them. Should we offer to swap and make them UK citizens, say after 5 years work, paying taxes, not breaking the law, swap them in exchange for people who contribute nothing to the UK, not working, not paying taxes, breaking the law..............why not just declare them Bulgarians after 5 years sponging?

Obviously this wouldn't apply to those who are genuine, just the indolent ones.

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Guest The Pom Queen

What really gets me is that if a UK citizen marries and lives overseas then decides to move back with their husband/wife and children they have to show a certain income, its terrible I know a few families stuck overseas who want to move back to the UK and aren't permitted despite one partner and the children being citizens

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Who says they ALL work hard and who says that theres all these jobs waiting for them, if 50000 come is there 50000 jobs ready next week, if not what do they do in the meantime and where do they live, and what jobs are ready for them, just a thought

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