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?? Evidence of your commitment to work and live in Qld ??


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I have received an email from Queensland government asking me to provide evidence of my commitment to live and work there.

I was just wondering if anybody else had done this reciently and whether you have any examples of what to include and how to write the letter ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated





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I'm not sure if it was me I'd just write a heading 'my commitment to live and work in Queensland' I'd then do it like an essay, intro why you want to settle there. Talk about positives of Queensland and what research you have done. E.g books read forums visited websites friends etc

then have another heading 'commitment to QLD ' talk about money invested in process and what you can offer. Talk about your job include evidence of job search etc. maybe hobbies you have that you can do in QLD.

Mention research made into accommodation. Links to websites any emails you've sent? How will you support yourself b4 you get a job. Any long term plans.


Maybe someone else will be able to advise more as they may have had to do it themselves?!


My BF has been offered promotion he works for an Aussie company here so if all goes tto plan we hope to be in Melbs early March. All came as a surprise after my disastrous attempt at 190 visa! Fingers crossed!

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I recently got nominated by Queensland for my occupation. The commitment statement was basically an essay. I didn't even have a title for the "essay", just typed a page and a half of my research that I'd done about Queensland especially the place where I was going to settle (in terms of access to transportation, groceries, cost of living, rental price) and also our lifestyle, how it would benefit our young son and our future family. It took me a whole good day to research all of that, and write a nice essay.


I didn't label it To or Dear... someone, I just started my paragraph with "My family and I... blablabla" like as if we were speaking to someone from the govt. of Queensland.


They process extremely quickly, as I submitted my supporting documents and got my approval within 1 1/2 hours! Good luck!

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  • 1 year later...
Thanks so much for your help guys!! Really appreciate it... Good luck with your visas !


Hi Mate, just reading through your thread, currently at the same place you where with now having to write a commitment to queensland, how did you go about this, how much did you write et etec etc

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