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Advice on visa application, please :)


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Hi everyone,

I am a Dutch citizen wanting to move to Oz. I have an australian boyfriend and we've been together for almost a year now.

We have met in Mexico and lived there together for about 4 months, and he has lived with me in the Netherlands with my parents for another 2 months. After that he went to Morocco and we've spend another few months travelling up and down so we could still spend christmas together. In a month he will go back home and I will have to stay in the Netherlands for another 4 months to finish my studies.


After those 4 months I would like to go to Oz but we're not entirely sure what visa to apply for. From what I understand is that we can either apply for a visa as a fiancee (which means we have to get married within 9 months after receiving the visa) or we can apply for a visa based on a de facto relationship.


Is it correct that if applying for a de facto relationship we were supposed to have lived together for 12 months? Or is that we were just meant to be in a relationship for 12 months?


Furthermore we were wondering about finances. Does the sponsor need a contract from his employee for a certain period of time or does he need a certain amount of money on his bank account?


We don't really want to use an migration agency as they tend to charge a lot of money for their services. It would be really nice if someone could tell us about their experiences with these visas and how it exactly works.


Thank you! :)

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I´m sorry, maybe a stupid question but what do you exactly mean with respectively spousal relationship?


spousal ---> for the de facto visa, "dating" does not count - you need to show you have been in a relationship similar to marriage. this means joint bank account, sharing obligations and finances, supporting each other financially and emotionally, firm commitment to each other which you can prove. living together is an aspect of it, joint lease, sharing chores, rent, etc..

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You may have other visa options apart from those based on your relationship with your Australian boyfriend. You may be eligible to apply for visas in other categories depending on factors such as your age, education, occupation, work experience, and level of English language proficiency. That is where talking to a registered migration agent can help. A registered migration agent can assess your visa options taking in to account your particular circumstances and your objectives in applying for the visa. Often that can save the visa applicant money in the long run - the costs of many visas, including the partner visa categories, are not insignificant, so getting it right from the outset should be a priority.

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If you qualify (age based) I'd also look to a WHV and then living with your partner as de facto for a year in Aus and apply for partner visa from there. It's quite simple to apply for, not expensive and allows you to work in Aus for a year (with a few limitations). You can also do regional work in this time to qualify for a second year. If you did this I'd get it out of the way first so you know you then have 21 months or so ahead of you to live together as a couple and to give yourselves time to prepare for a partner visa application further down the road.

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Unless you qualify for a visa in your own right, the correct visa for you is the s300 Prospective Marriage Visa. You will have to marry within 9 months of visa grant but if you are in a genuine partnership that won't be a problem. I have been down this route myself an am happy to offer help.


The sponsorship is not a bog problem. You just need to write something credible about how you would support yourself - job prospects and any support available if things don't work out.

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