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189 visa & 190, a few questions

Ami McBride

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Hi everyone, ive been reading the thread for a while and you all seem really knowledgeable so i feel confident you will be able to answer some of my questions.


Does anyone know when the next round is for the 189 visa?

it might sound silly but who pays for the 190 visa, the territory or us?

We have our qualifications transferred and all so we are ready to go through an EOI for a visa, is there a template anywhere with the questions asked in it?

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EOI next invitation is tomorrow then again on the 6th January. To lodge an EOI is free and questions are pretty generic.

As far as a 189 visa go's you have to wait until you are invited to apply, and you pay for the lot.

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190 SS visa if you need extra points.

If you don't a 189 independent visa would be the best IMO.


Initially I was applying for a 190 but needed a twelve month job offer after they changed some conditions! so had to apply for 189 visa instead, personally 189 visa sounds a better option as you aren't tied down to one specific state for two years.

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Enter all qualifications that you can provide evidence for. O levels, GCSE's, A levels, NVQ's degrees....... It's all about details, details and more details. They can't take anything away from you for providing too much info but they can be a pain if you don't provide enough.


As for the 190, if you are on SOL and so your occupation qualifies you for 189 them the only reasons to go for 190 are if you need the extra 5 points or if you've just scraped over 60 and you want to improve your chances of an earlier invite as 190's aren't ranked by highest points first. 190's can take a while to get assessed by the states, although you will get an invite as soon as the state approves you and not on set days each month and you need to make sure your occupation is on the individual list of the state you want to apply to. As to leaving it open to all states, I know it's changed a bit since I went through my 190 but I was advised to specify a state otherwise they don't think you're serious about wanting to go to them. And you need to pay any state sponsorship fees, although not all states charge from my past experience.

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Thats brilliant guys thanks, what is confusing me is that the qualifications from vetassess dont give you an institute, campus and no dates to and from, they were applied for and received in order to transfer qualifications for the nominated skill (HGV Mechanic)


Hi Ami,


Did you complete the Vetassess Offshore Skills Assessment Program and get issued with a cert III as a result?

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Guest Guest 47403
ive just checked out the points scoring and with our language as native speakers we havent recieved any points, if we recieved points for this we would have 70


Have you completed an ielts?

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no i havent completed elts but im going to look into completing it if it will score me more points, i thought i read that for being an english native speaker you recieved 15 points


I just double checked on skillselect in case there had been changes but sadly there's no 15 points simply for being an English native speaker. The only extra points awarded for language ability come from IELTS where you get 10 points for achieving level 7 in all four components or 20 points for scoring four 8's.


So I'm now guessing you only have 55 points and will need an extra 5 from somewhere? Probably a good idea for you to check www.immi.gov.au/visas/pages/190.aspx where the points allocation is clearly spelled out. (click points test tab then 'how points are awarded')

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no i havent completed elts but im going to look into completing it if it will score me more points, i thought i read that for being an english native speaker you recieved 15 points


A long time ago you could gain 15 points by having IELTS 6, so perhaps you're reading outdated information?


I don't mean to sound blunt, but if you're at the stage where you're submitting your EOI you really need to ensure that the information you're entering is accurate and meets the current legislation. If you receive an invitation now based upon incorrect information and cannot later evidence this when you lodge your application you would be refused and you would likely lose your application fee. There is a wealth of accurate information available for your perusal but there's also a ton of nonsense too. You need to check and double check against the requirements before submitting anything, or hire an agent to do it for you, but what you can't do is go into it without thorough research.

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So I'm now guessing you only have 55 points and will need an extra 5 from somewhere? Probably a good idea for you to check www.immi.gov.au/visas/pages/190.aspx where the points allocation is clearly spelled out. (click points test tab then 'how points are awarded')


I cant believe i did not see that the first 200 hundred times i looked but thanks, Ielts test booked for 18th January. Thanks for all the help!!

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I cant believe i did not see that the first 200 hundred times i looked but thanks, Ielts test booked for 18th January. Thanks for all the help!!


Good luck with the IELTS. Last piece of advice, get some revision material for it. It's not the 'turn up speak a bit of English and get top marks' walk in the park that some think it will be. There's free stuff online and plenty on eBay/Amazon or directly from the testers. Also there's loads of threads on here on IELTS.

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