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This blokes a plonker - right?

Guest Guest66881

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I was having an interesting conversation with my husband about this a couple of nights ago. We were talking about the information that was published recently about the sharks and their migration routes - particularly the ones involving South Africa. My husband then asked why anyone was surprised that the Great Whites are attacking people here, when in South Africa (on their migratory route), one of the big scuba diving activities, is to get in a cage and feed the great whites to get them as close to the cages (and people) as possible. Ergo, the sharks associate people with food and getting fed. Then they swim over to WA and see more people in the water. Why would anybody be surprised when they go for the people? On the other side of the water people mean food, why would it not do here?


It was interesting as I had never thought of that before, and yet clearly remember seeing lots of adverts for diving with sharks, going for a dip in a shark cage in South Africa. To attract the sharks, they throw lots of bait in the water for them to eat.


Has this occurred to anyone else?

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I was having an interesting conversation with my husband about this a couple of nights ago. We were talking about the information that was published recently about the sharks and their migration routes - particularly the ones involving South Africa. My husband then asked why anyone was surprised that the Great Whites are attacking people here, when in South Africa (on their migratory route), one of the big scuba diving activities, is to get in a cage and feed the great whites to get them as close to the cages (and people) as possible. Ergo, the sharks associate people with food and getting fed. Then they swim over to WA and see more people in the water. Why would anybody be surprised when they go for the people? On the other side of the water people mean food, why would it not do here?


It was interesting as I had never thought of that before, and yet clearly remember seeing lots of adverts for diving with sharks, going for a dip in a shark cage in South Africa. To attract the sharks, they throw lots of bait in the water for them to eat.


Has this occurred to anyone else?


Lot's of reasons have occurred to people Incata. There is some thought that the tags they use on sharks, which ping off every 15 seconds or so, might be alerting their natural pray that they are around, so they are hungrier.

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