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Updates of migration plans


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I just wanted to ask if anyone knows how often the states generally update their migration plans?

I am still getting my skills assessment done but after that I would need to apply for a state sponsorship. My job which would be conference and event organiser is not on the current list for NSW but I am hoping it might get on the updated one.


Thanks :)

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Hello Rabby.


The state migration plans are updated quite frequently to reflect current skill shortages in the respective states. It's impossible to say with any certainty which occupation will appear on which state's list at any particular time, but I'm afraid I very much doubt that it will appear on the NSW list as to my knowledge there is not a great demand right now.


If you write to NSW or any of the other states, they will sometimes give you an indication of the likelihood of it appearing in the next update.

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Thank you Adam.


I hope it will be on the list at some point otherwise I am stuck here and can't go to Australia :( I heard that I can even apply for other states and then move but it kinda sounds risky so I don't really want to try it...

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There's not a lot stopping you, but you do make a two year commitment to the sponsoring state when you apply to them. The 190 system is designed so that individual states can address local skill shortages so you should only apply to states that you fully intend to migrate to.


Always worth exploring all options available to you and never give up if its what you want.

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Can I ask a question here guys :)


For the employment evidence, is the "employment reference" enough .... or do I have to provide also payslips or any proof of payments.

The employment reference will mention the salary .. i hope this is enough because I don't take any payslips from my employer and we get our payments cash so no bank statements ..

your help guys will be very much appreciated.


All the best

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For points purposes there needs to be evidence that it was paid employment. A summary of the salary included on the employment reference is an acceptable form of evidence, but we always look to back this up with another document to remove any doubt. Perhaps a tax summary or letter of support from your accountant?

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Thanks a lot Mr. Grey, I will try to get a letter from the finance department then translate it to English for Vetassess ... although this is very hard ...


One more thing, I had my PhD in 3 years in the UK which is normal there ,,, would this make a problem when getting my qualification assessed by Vetassess , as i heard that it should be 4 years ?

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Hello Storm. There's a lot that goes into an assessment. It depends on what occupation you're nominating, which subject you studied and the relevance to the occupation, where you studied, how much experience you have etc. I presume you have an undergraduate (bachelor) degree?

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Thanks again Mr. Grey, actually I have BSc and PhD from the UK and I will go for assessment as University Lecturer , I have one year experience after the PhD as Lecturer. My concern was about the PhD degree (20 points) because my PhD program was 3 years which is normal in the UK but in Australia it seems that it is usually 4 years and I want to claim the 20 points for the PhD and I will go the Points Test advice with Vetassess to get it assessed.

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Hey Adam


The only thing is that it is really important to me to live and work in NSW because my boyfriend lives there and all my friends are there, too (I did my bachelor degree in Sydney). Thus, I can't really commit to live in another state for 2 years. That is why I was hoping it will be open for NSW at some point soon.

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Hey Adam


The only thing is that it is really important to me to live and work in NSW because my boyfriend lives there and all my friends are there, too (I did my bachelor degree in Sydney). Thus, I can't really commit to live in another state for 2 years. That is why I was hoping it will be open for NSW at some point soon.


Is your partner an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident?

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Of course it's your personal choice and I don't know any of the details of your relationship, but the relationship registration process in NSW is relatively straightforward and waives any relationship length criteria. As he's a Kiwi he would have to be classed as an 'eligible NZ Citizen' for the standard partner visa, but the Subclass 461 NZ Citizen Family Relationship Visa is a good alternative and allows you the time and opportunity to explore other options. Employer sponsored visas for example are difficult to obtain from overseas as employers are unwilling to offer a position to someone that doesn't already have the right to work, but in your scenario a job offer becomes a distinct possibility.


These are the things that can be explored before putting all your eggs in the one NSW state sponsorship basket.

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I have heard so many bad stories about the partner visa, especially when you haven't been together for so long. With two of my friends it didn't work out because it had put so much pressure on the relationship and they told me it was horrible. Thus, I don't really want to risk that and was rather going for a visa that I can do on my own. Nevertheless, I didn't know that the 190 would take so long as the agency I am with told me it usually takes 6 months. The longer it takes now the more I am beginning to think about other options. At the same time it annoys me that I have spent so much money on this current visa and then going for another visa where I have to spent money again and don't even know it is going to work out is simply frustrating.

Thank you for the info about further options though...

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Just hypothetically if I would go for the 461 visa when could I start working? I heard that most of the people hang on a bridging visa for ages where they can't work (for me it would be a tourist visa then). And another question would be if I would go for that visa now and wait on it until my job is open for NSW and then start with the application for the 190 visa. Is it possible that the 190 is taking over the 461?


Thanks :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Dear Storm Fighter,


Did you manage to get assessment before NSW closed for the year? I am at the assessment stage. Any idea about whether 'University Lecturer' will remain in the list of not?



Hi hardikbv,


Unfortunately I didn't, it was a big shock that NSW closed the nomination, However, no one can predict if "University Lecturer" will be in July list or not...

The options I have now is either wait to see the list next July or try to find occupation that matches the specialization of my studies and job duties... and get the assessment for it ....

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Dear Storm Fighter,


Did you manage to get assessment before NSW closed for the year? I am at the assessment stage. Any idea about whether 'University Lecturer' will remain in the list of not?



You can also check the Skilled regional (provisional) visa subclass 489 https://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/489.aspx

The University lecturer is still opened in Murray ... I don't know much about this visa, but u can consider it if u don't want to wait .. although I believe that waiting can be better so u don't get tied to Murray for long time ...

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Dear Storm fighter,


Thanks for the suggestion. Though, I am keen on applying for PR rather than TR. 489 is a TR. Once I spend my time at Murray, I have again apply for another visa and so on. If I have PR I have certainty and can focus my energy on finding good jobs and growing up the organizational ladder.


What do you (/anyone who has undergone the process) suggest?


You can also check the Skilled regional (provisional) visa subclass 489 https://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/489.aspx

The University lecturer is still opened in Murray ... I don't know much about this visa, but u can consider it if u don't want to wait .. although I believe that waiting can be better so u don't get tied to Murray for long time ...

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