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Medical records


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So hubby, as the Visa applicant, (309/100 partner Visa) wants to get all his medical records which would be good, obviously in Aust when he first goes to a GP. But he wants to bring them when he gets his medical done, is this necessary?

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It's not necessary to get them at all - the only exception is possibly if you have some particularly complex health issues.


Most GPs ask all new patients to fill in a questionnaire anyway so they'll find out your medical history that way (ie. by you telling them).


Don't waste your time and money getting your UK records.

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I am applying for the same visit and I was not asked to bring any medical notes. If there is a long-standing health issue, it may help to take hospital/consultant letters but otherwise just take your passport, HAP ID and credit card (of course!). I was asked to complete two forms but the clinic didn't need them as it's all done electronically (Aus visa guidelines did not mention this).

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