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Client Satisfaction Survey


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I've received the email below today - it's confused me a bit as I only applied in June 2013 for my 309/100 visa... Either I've missed some good news (ie it's been finalized) or more likely it's just a typo. Has anyone else received an email like this?


Dear Sir/Madam,

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection is currently undertaking a client satisfaction survey. By understanding your needs and hearing your suggestions we will be able to improve our services and assist you better.

Your email address was obtained from an application for an Australian visa or citizenship. We are surveying clients whose application was finalised between 01 March 2013 and 31 August 2013.

We would like to invite you to complete the survey by following the link below.


The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete, it is anonymous and any information provided will be kept confidential. The results of the survey have absolutely no bearing on visa or citizenship applications. (Note if you are an immigration agent we welcome your feedback. You may also wish to forward this survey on to your client).

Please do not respond to this email as it will not be answered.

We thank you for your time.

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