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bali or perh first?


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Hi i live in Perth and i have got a couple of friends coming to see me from the uk but not sure which is going to be the cheapest way for them as we have decided that we are going to have a week in Perth and a week in Bali aswell, would Perth fist or Bali first as i could meet them in Bali. Any help would be great

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We came to perth for a holiday 3 years ago, we flew with KLM, stayed in bali for a week, got a cheap flight with pacific Blue and flew out from perth, as KLM let you depart from a different destination. Then it was cheaper than a return flight to Perth, not sure if it's cheaper now though.


The advantage of this for us, was only 15 hrs flight to Bali, then we could relax and enjoy the pool, and sights, which helped with jet lag. When we got to Perth, we were recharged and ready to go from the outset and I believe we got a lot more from our trip by doing this. Also, if you meet your friends in Bali, you can all have a great holiday together first.


Hope this helps.

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Perth first is my thoughts...


city life first...what they maybe used too...but Perths going to be so different...


then onto Bali for the real holiday feel....plus after seeing Perth prices, they will be delighted to go so somewhere cheaper...

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