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Tories borrow more in 3 years than Labour did in 13 years


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That's a post high on opinion and low on evidence if ever I saw one. And it sticks to the right wing mantra that left = bad/right = good.

In light of your sweeping statements here is an article with lots of facts and figures that show your assumptions to be wrong - left wing governments don't manage the economy or debt any worse than right wing governments. The major difference is that under left wing governments growth is shared more equally across society whereas under right wing regimes it's those poor put upon 1% at the top that take the cream...




"So next time you hear a new policy that shifts the burden of cost from one group to another, claiming it’ll improve the prospects of the UK as a whole, then beware. Over the long term, left- and right-leaning nations perform much the same. The difference is in the distribution of those costs and the distribution of the wealth it creates"


Freaking socialists... years in power, screw everything up, bankrupt the country, and you still think it works??? The last labour government was drooling over wealth and big business until the end. And all the moron brown did was evenly distribute the debt to us and the next few generations.


You guys are genuinely thick, it's incredible.

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Freaking socialists... years in power, screw everything up, bankrupt the country, and you still think it works??? The last labour government was drooling over wealth and big business until the end. And all the moron brown did was evenly distribute the debt to us and the next few generations.


You guys are genuinely thick, it's incredible.


Ha Ha - read the OP.

Labour certainly ain't no socialist party...

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