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Is it a good time to buy a house in Perth?


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At the end of the day decide what's right for you. If you want the house and all the trimmings then go for it. It will be your castle, your pride and joy.


or take the other option and stay free and spend your life enjoying the surrounds other than the four walls.


as someone who has now done both, there isn't t a right or wrong, just whatever your comfortable with.

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But what if you already have a deposit (and a 4x4 and a V8) and if your repayments would be less than renting?


Well OK if you have all these things and your 100% certain you want to stay here for ever then buy. However watch out as the economy is heading for a tumble say if you cant get work and have to go elsewhere and cant rent your house. you will have a new rental and a house to pay for. that in my view isnt fun. However if Perth is your home and you will always return here even if living elsewhere then go for it

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