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Can I submit 2 EOI with different occupations ? HELP PLEASE


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I am a NAATI Interpreter and Translator, both directions, took the tests and have all 3 NAATI qualifications. All was well, I got the VIC SS within 24 hours, without submitting an EOI. Just now, I have seen that WA has a NAATI Translator occupation on its list. We have friends in Perth, and of course that we would prefer to move there, but I know that I am very lucky to get VIC SS, and I don`t want to jeopardize that ! The thing is that we don`t know anyone in Melbourne, and I am pregnant, and frightened about arriving with a baby in a city where I have nowhere to go. I have a deadline to submit EOI as a Interpreter, until the end of December. I have enough points for 190 visa even without employment history, so my questions are :


Can I NOW submit an EOI as a Translator and apply for WA SS, and withdraw it if I don`t get the sponsorship ? If I don`t get WA SS, can I then make a new EOI as an Interpreter ? Will that be possible ? Could Victoria turn me down and cancel my SS if they find out that I have previously made another EOI and asked for another SS with a different occupation and then withdrawn it ? If I erase my EOI, could it be seen in the system ?


Did anyone have any similar experience ? Any advice would be really appreciated.

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Are they really different occupation codes? Do you have two separate skills assessments.


Personally I would not be messing the sates around with sponsorship matters, neither Vic nor WA appreciates applicants that apply to more than one state,so take care with that. Might have been better to think through where you wanted to apply to first.

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I am a NAATI Interpreter and Translator, both directions, took the tests and have all 3 NAATI qualifications. All was well, I got the VIC SS within 24 hours, without submitting an EOI. Just now, I have seen that WA has a NAATI Translator occupation on its list. We have friends in Perth, and of course that we would prefer to move there, but I know that I am very lucky to get VIC SS, and I don`t want to jeopardize that ! The thing is that we don`t know anyone in Melbourne, and I am pregnant, and frightened about arriving with a baby in a city where I have nowhere to go. I have a deadline to submit EOI as a Interpreter, until the end of December. I have enough points for 190 visa even without employment history, so my questions are :


Can I NOW submit an EOI as a Translator and apply for WA SS, and withdraw it if I don`t get the sponsorship ? If I don`t get WA SS, can I then make a new EOI as an Interpreter ? Will that be possible ? Could Victoria turn me down and cancel my SS if they find out that I have previously made another EOI and asked for another SS with a different occupation and then withdrawn it ? If I erase my EOI, could it be seen in the system ?

Did anyone have any similar experience ? Any advice would be really appreciated.


May I suggest that you consult a registered migration agent for advice about strategy?

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I have three separate assessments. The first one is for Interpreter , both directions. The second one is Translator form LOTE to English, and the third one is from English to LOTE. They have two codes, one is Interpreter 272412, the other one is Translator 272413. I have seen on forums that mostly IT experts have changed their occupation in the same EOI, and had no trouble with it.


We are on limited funds at he moment , have to pay 5555 $ for the visa, otherwise, I would have contacted a MARA agent first.

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  • 2 months later...

Hope this will help others in similar situation...

After a lot of research , and throwing away money to a migration agent ( agent did not know was it possible to make two EOIs ?!, but instead advised me to proceed with VIC SS, and move to Perth before the 2 years period expire:eek: ), I have concluded that it is safe and possible to make two EOIs with two different occupations, ( but choose another type of document, in one EOI list your National ID number, in another list your birth certificate number ).

I made two EOI`s but didn`t have to submit both, because, I have managed to apply for WA SS and get the visa invite before my VIC SS expired, so I have just sent an e-mail to VIC, explaining them why I will not be able to accept their SS and proceed with it. Good luck to all in similar situation :wink:

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