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Cat to Adelaide - settling in


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Hi guys,

I'm moving to Adelaide next April and taking my cat, we are using pet air uk.. Can anyone offer any advise/stories from after the quarantine period as in new home and acclimatising to new world? I'm concerned she won't settle...


Has anyone had any issues???

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Hi, if it is not too cheeky (and if it is allowed on the forum) can I ask how much you have been quoted to take your cat to Adelaide? We are currently looking at moving Feb 2015 & working out costs / how much we need to save!


Are you collecting your cat in Melbourne or are Pet Air taking him/her to Adelaide?

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To be honest we shopped around loads there are 2 services, silver and gold - we've gone for gold as they do all paper work, it also depends where you live for the collection charge they're London based I'm in Yorkshire so opted to take my cat myself n will save £400!! For the gold service, quarantine fees and flights from Melbourne to Adelaide for my cat I think it will be £2500 all together.. The quarantine place can arrange the pets flight for you.


There are ways of trimming this costs back if you do certain things yourself... If u get a quote from their site they are very helpful with any questions...


Hope this helps... If you want to know anymore I'm happy to help

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We made sure there was plenty of bedding that smelt of our cat and us for when we took him home. We only introduced him to a couple of new rooms a day. He was happy getting used to it and it was two weeks before he started wanting to go outside. We took him out on a harness to start with until he knew the area around the garden.


We took out pet insurance with pro-sure, but we couldn't do that from the UK. We had to wait until we had an Aussie address.

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we moved one of the most nervous cats to adelaide two years ago. First wander around new house she skulked around, but we had bought a wee hidy hole bed for her and as long as she could retreat to it she was fine. Two years later she is such a happy sun worshipper she has never been happier! Now we have the move from rental to our own house to navigate!

Gill x

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We brought our two cats out - our daughter took care of them back in the UK so we had time to find a place and then she sent them to us. I think it was definitely a shock to their system! ..But they settled in, in no time at all. The summer still holds a few challenges for them but I think that's because we're in Queensland and they just stay inside a lot of the time then to cool down.

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