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Problems after lodging application (190)


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I have lodged my 190 application in early October. I am the main applicant, my wife and my 17 mth old kid as dependent.


While awaits for the CO, my wife was found pregnant shortly after the application is lodged. We still haven't arranged our body check, but we'd like to proceed it anyway, even having to take the x ray.

Anyone know if this would delay my application anyway just because of being pregnant? And how do I inform them without a CO?


Further I go, if my baby is born in Aus while my PR has not been granted or even if I'm a PR, Will the baby be a citizen automatically?


Another problem is that the TR I used to stay in Aus is student VISA. Will a student VISA holder be delayed the processing of 190, just because they know I'll have to study most of the time instead of working?



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Pregnancy wouldn't be an issue. Just notify the doctor during the visa medicals.


If you have submitted a Student Visa application and a subclass 190 as well, the visa's get processed separately. By reading your post, it sounds like you're just plain stressing on thinking about the future :) .. take it easy..

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