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EOI, is it possible to change the state?


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I have submitted the EOI selecting VIC SS as WA doesn't have my occupation in their occupation list for SS. If VIC select me to apply for the Visa and then WA have my occupation on their list, can I change my EOI?


If I do not make the visa application to VIC, what would this mean?




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We are in similar situation to you and submitted EOI to WA and also SA hoping the list would change but it has not and today we got our ITA from SA and we are just going for it and not waiting to WA as not one knows how long you will have to wait in the meantime you could have your Visa and be getting on with your life, we are going out on 489 Visa so its different but from what I can gather if you are going out on a PR Visa you can move states anyway!! Someone please correct me if I am giving woring information, but this is what our Agent told us and also that once we get to SA and for whatever reason we cannot make it work there then we may have some options of moving states, but I will worry about it when I need to as if SA have been good enough to gives us the chance of a new life I will give it 110% to make it work!!! We could even prefer it there!! :biggrin:


Do you have an agent ior are you doing it yourself?




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yes thats what our Agent dis she submitted 1 for WA and 1 for SA and as hubby's job was not on WA list, that EOI was going nowhere really until it had all the details they needed to move it forward!!


Let me know if I can help anymore or just put your questions on here, people are really helpful and good luck, but dont waste too much time worrying about things like we did as we could have submitted our EOI for WA in June when hubbys job was still on list and we would have had our WA Visa by now, but we decided to go to WA on a reccie first to check out job situation and schooling first as we are going out on 489 Regional and Provisional Visa and wanted to check there was enough work in regional areas first!!



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