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Is there a children's cardiology ward in western Australia?


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Hi there, I'm a children's nurse working in the uk, I have masses of experience working in paediatric cardiology so thought about options for working within this field in oz. We hope to go to western Australia. I've researched on the Internet but can't seem to find a children's cardiology service in any of the hospitals! Seems strange since western Australia is so massive. Surely there is something that I'm missing?


Thanks for any replies!


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Hello there!

Princess Margaret's Hospital (PMH) is the children's hospital here in Perth. I'm not 100% about a cardiology dpt but all children are sent here for treatment.

Sorry it's a vague reply but you could contact them directly to find out. Good luck! :D

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  • 4 months later...

Hi bouncy, I was just googling the same thing when your post on here came up as one of the Google search replies! Did you ever find out if there are any cardiac services in WA? I can find info about services in most other places!


I have 11 years experience in Paeds cardiology/ HDU and would love to carry it on, but this Oz dream is still very much early days and very daunting!

Thanks :-)

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