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Man Arrested in Madeline mcnann case

Guest The Pom Queen

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I think people that work in areas such as you do obviously have a slightly skewed vision of what happens in the world, as you see so many of the bad things in comparison to all the good things. I'm not having a go at you honestly, I couldn't do your job and have great admiration for those that do work in such areas. But I still believe there are vastly more good people in the world than bad, and if we never let our kids do anything that might be the slightest bit dangerous, because of what might happen, we would have to keep them in a bubble sealed off from the world! A friend of mine who works in child protection in the UK has recently stopped her 18 year old daughter coming over to Aus to travel for a few months with a friend, because she "knows what goes on in the world" - she probably thinks everyone that 'allows' their adult kids to come over on a WHV is totally stupid, but in my view, she's just being ridiculous herself!


I once went out to the car to get something while my baby was asleep inside, and the door slammed in the wind leaving me locked outside without a key! Yes, something bad could have happened and after that I was doubly careful to prop the front door open if I ever did that again, but you can't turn the clock back - however much Madeleine's parents probably wish they could.


Maybe I do, but it is about a balance, there are some 18 yr olds who are mature, problem solvers and emotionally stable to cope with a working holiday in another country, and those who are not, with capacity and consent, at 18 all parents can do is advise, they have no power to prevent. I agree that children should be given as many opportunities to help them to develop, but there will always be a line. Everyone is individual and decisions should be made on this rather than the same rule for everyone. You make a good point though in wrapping your kids up to much.

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There will probably be information that the police have that will not have been released I would suppose. I find it interesting that opinion today seems to be not to let your children out of sight - I remember going on holiday to the then Butlins in Ayr (now Haven Craig Tara I think) in the early 1980's and remember the red coats going round the chalets at night (when the parents were out enjoying themselves at the various things going on in the camp) and reporting back on babies and children crying. There were large boards with numbers on them which were light up with a sign - "baby crying in chalet no ......" so the parents could go back and settle their child! Also a point to note that children are abducted from their homes while the parents are there in bed sleeping or just in another room. There was the young girl in England who was in the bath and someone came in and took her out of the bath under her parents nose. I lived in Melbourne in the Airport West/Essendon area during the "Mr Cruel" child abductions and murder - girls taken from their bedrooms at night while other siblings were in the same room and parents in their bedroom and taken to a house somewhere on the flight path to Melbourne Airport. Despite all the publicity about the girls reporting hearing planes overhead - we never had a visit from the police at all (and we were on the flight path) - the only thing was a flyer put through the door asking if we had noticed anything suspicious going on???


yes, it was a very different world now from the 80's, this was common then, however with the global 24 hr media people are more aware and the risks are heightened. Parenting and laws have changed, maybe not all for the better, but child protection is higher on the agenda in the public domain

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I don't think the risks are any higher than they have ever been! Well certainly not in the last forty years or so anyway - people just talk about it more now, but the risks were always there, there were always perverts and child abusers, it's not a modern day phenomenon! If anything, many risks are less now, with mobile phones etc!

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I don't think the risks are any higher than they have ever been! Well certainly not in the last forty years or so anyway - people just talk about it more now, but the risks were always there, there were always perverts and child abusers, it's not a modern day phenomenon! If anything, many risks are less now, with mobile phones etc!

The risks may not be higher but with media they are known about more and quicker, the obvious additions are more ways of carrying this out, online grooming, social media risks etc, it is just important to educate as best you can.

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