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Pay rise to be scrapped for nurses.


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A planned pay rise of a measly 1% to nurses is to be scraped,1% is actually a pay cut as inflation is well above 2%.

p.s the politicians 12% pay rise is to go ahead it seems.

The key recommendation that Ipsa has made is to increase the basic salary of MPs from its current annual rate of £66,396 to £74,000 in 2015 - an increase of £7,604 - so the £10,000 figure in much of Thursday's coverage is a generous rounding up.

As cameron says....."we are all in this together" :biglaugh:

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It absolutely amazes me how many of us are crying out to be nurses and applying to uni yet the pay is so poor. All I wanted was a good career I could be proud of and that I felt my children would be proud of. Unfortunately I know many admin assistants and general unskilled staff that are almost on the same salary. PS not saying these type of staff don't work bloody hard - my OH is one, but I have had to study a degree to get in this role and you would think it would be better recognised. Most nurses I work with often work way over their shifts, often miss Christmas/Birthdays/School events, end up putting their jobs first and are working on under staffed wards.


I know many students on my course in third year that have been so put off by the general state of work that nurses do they have decided once they have their degree to leave nursing altogether.


Its ok for firefighter's and teachers to keep striking but who seems to be standing up to nurses. I think the minimum pay these days should at least be £25k but when I qualify I will earn 21k. This is what I would have been on if I had stayed working as a croupier in a casino!!!

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Guest Guest66881

Fats got to be trimmed some way, maybe Britain should look to other countries for funding ideas rather than the outdated one they have now?

Take more pay away from other sectors keeping the money for front line services should be a priority.

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Yeah 21000 is your entry level pay but u can earn much much more as your pay increases and promotion/study opportunities...plus I was on around 21000 on the wards but could make almost £2000 a month easy wth few nights or overtimes. .nurses dnt hav it that bad and we generally get looked after alot better by employers than some other jobs do..dont like it dont do it..im a nurse..I love it and after some of the jobs,pay and conditions ive had In the past I could never complain at what I have now

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Guest Guest26012
Yeah 21000 is your entry level pay but u can earn much much more as your pay increases and promotion/study opportunities...plus I was on around 21000 on the wards but could make almost £2000 a month easy wth few nights or overtimes. .nurses dnt hav it that bad and we generally get looked after alot better by employers than some other jobs do..dont like it dont do it..im a nurse..I love it and after some of the jobs,pay and conditions ive had In the past I could never complain at what I have now



Just out of interest, how long have you been a nurse?

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Guest Guest66881
Yeah 21000 is your entry level pay but u can earn much much more as your pay increases and promotion/study opportunities...plus I was on around 21000 on the wards but could make almost £2000 a month easy wth few nights or overtimes. .nurses dnt hav it that bad and we generally get looked after alot better by employers than some other jobs do..dont like it dont do it..im a nurse..I love it and after some of the jobs,pay and conditions ive had In the past I could never complain at what I have now



Good on you, just how my daughter approaches it over there.

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Not just nurses, all NHS staff. Where I work (GP surgery) they've just taken on a 19 year old as a receptionist. They've employed her as an apprentice (why does someone need an apprenticeship to be a receptionist?) and they're paying her £2.50 per hour. She's been there four weeks now and is doing everything the other receptionists are doing, on her own with no guidance - she obviously cottoned onto the role quickly! - yet she's still paid this pittance. I wonder how much she will miss her 1% rise??

The other receptionists were trying to get it changed, saying it was unfair as she would be doing exactly the same work, to no avail.


The trust my oh works in isn't too badly affected yet, but the one he used to work in was cut back to the bone a few years ago. This time every member of staff from the cleaners to the consultants has lost their job. They're reapplying for their own jobs - on 'different' T's and Cs, unsurprisingly, and a third will be unlucky, putting extra strain on those who are more 'fortunate'. This is the third time it's happened. A lot of our friends work there and I've never seen people so stressed and disillusioned. These aren't people who are greedy, they have worked in the NHS for twenty or thirty years and dealt with the endless changes to their work and have always been totally committed to the NHS.

It worries me how many on are antidepressants now and how, to a man/woman, they want out. Experienced nurses, doctors, lecturers, physios.... It's not just pay, it's the bullying culture and the feeling of being undervalued.

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Guest Guest26012
Yeah 21000 is your entry level pay but u can earn much much more as your pay increases and promotion/study opportunities...plus I was on around 21000 on the wards but could make almost £2000 a month easy wth few nights or overtimes. .nurses dnt hav it that bad and we generally get looked after alot better by employers than some other jobs do..dont like it dont do it..im a nurse..I love it and after some of the jobs,pay and conditions ive had In the past I could never complain at what I have now


I don't think the pay for uk nurses is good tbh! I used to think it was when I first qualified. I had done other jobs before too! Until I came to oz. I earn twice as much here. Ok, cost of living is higher, arguably, but I feel oz nurses are paid extremely well! Although, they don't think they are? I love my job too but I don't think it's a case of not doing it if you don't like it? It's about being paid fairly for a tough job in difficult conditions.

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Yeah 21000 is your entry level pay but u can earn much much more as your pay increases and promotion/study opportunities...plus I was on around 21000 on the wards but could make almost £2000 a month easy wth few nights or overtimes. .nurses dnt hav it that bad and we generally get looked after alot better by employers than some other jobs do..dont like it dont do it..im a nurse..I love it and after some of the jobs,pay and conditions ive had In the past I could never complain at what I have now

What a refreshing attitude

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Guest Guest26012
But if someone is studying to be a nurse and already moaning ...why bother? Do something else...id rather have the privilege of doing a job I love..im very lucky to have a job like that..and happy with pay too...


Whose moaning?

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But if someone is studying to be a nurse and already moaning ...why bother? Do something else...id rather have the privilege of doing a job I love..im very lucky to have a job like that..and happy with pay too...



I honestly think it's where you work. My oh enjoys his job (he's not a nurse) and most people he works with are ok too, but the trust he left in 2008 is a different matter.

i don't think it's pay per se that people are worried about, but the double standards the government are showing. They are relying on the goodwill of workers which healthcare workers tend have in spades, but they are beginning to feel they're being abused. If they really felt that 'we're all in this together' there'd be more sympathy for the govt's stance, but when the ministers who are awarded a big rise decide that NHS workers don't deserve a measly one after several years of nothing, it must make them feel they're being taken advantage of.

Enjoying your job is great. I think most people go into these roles because it's something they know they will enjoy, but feeling that you're being taken advantage of is demoralising.

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Jac2011 said student nurses were unhappy..I think. .well thats what I read it as


Actually if you reread it I said some of the student nurses are unhappy and that they have already decided not to enter the profession as they know they can earn more for a better life/work balance in other roles.


I didn't say I was unhappy, I said I think for the responsibility that nurses hold and the expectations on their work (ie up to 2 hours work extra per day just to get on top of paperwork) then the pay undervalues them. As I mentioned, my reasoning for doing the job is not for the money, I know I could have earnt just as much in two other careers I have done in my life. I am doing it as I feel I am getting something back from the satisfaction I am getting from doing the role.


However, that is the reason nurses are paid less because they are expected to be doing it for 'satisfaction'. When the pay conditions mean that they are undervalued, understaffed and having to reach a higher level of education just to start in the role then I do feel eventually morale will hit a very low edge and patient care will become affected.

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Just seen on the news that the 1% is in addition to an annual increment. Is this true?



Don't know about nurses, but I just checked my oh's payslips and he hasn't had any increments in the last couple of years. He's just had one now because he's completed 18 years as a consultant. Not a huge amount, and most is taken back in tax etc, but welcome all the same.

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Guest Guest26012
Actually if you reread it I said some of the student nurses are unhappy and that they have already decided not to enter the profession as they know they can earn more for a better life/work balance in other roles.


I didn't say I was unhappy, I said I think for the responsibility that nurses hold and the expectations on their work (ie up to 2 hours work extra per day just to get on top of paperwork) then the pay undervalues them. As I mentioned, my reasoning for doing the job is not for the money, I know I could have earnt just as much in two other careers I have done in my life. I am doing it as I feel I am getting something back from the satisfaction I am getting from doing the role.


However, that is the reason nurses are paid less because they are expected to be doing it for 'satisfaction'. When the pay conditions mean that they are undervalued, understaffed and having to reach a higher level of education just to start in the role then I do feel eventually morale will hit a very low edge and patient care will become affected.



Well said!

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Guest Guest26012

It's easy to lose morale when you've done the job for a long time. You have to love it to stick with it! And, as has been said, nurses have always been an easy target re pay rises etc as emotionally most nurses love their profession. Nurses should be paid what they are worth but no government could afford that!

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I don't think patient care suffers because someone has lost morale in their job. I think it suffers because people have such high expectations of people being able to do the impossible in impossible situations.


My husbands in the army and I'm a student nurse, his ability to fight in a war doesn't lessen because he has a 'low morale' as a lot of them do and my ability to care doesn't either. I do think that people's expectations of nurses aren't what they should be. I'm sure some people in hospital think that they are the only person in their ward that needs care when it's one nurse to 15 beds (at the ward I'm in at the moment) it's sadly not physically possible to do everything for one person.


At the moment I am paying £800 + in childcare a month. I get £200 bursary and that's it because my husband apparently 'earns too much' what they seem to forget is once I've taken £600 + a month out of his wages for childcare we are effectively worse off than a single mum on benefits also completing the course. If I didn't want to be a nurse trust me I wouldn't have got this far, yes sometimes I do have low morale, I'm not doing it because of the money clearly but I do it because I care but when you are a student nurse on your first placement and you get punched in the face, shouted at by relatives and basically treated like rubbish by patients I do think that your morale will decrease. Doesn't mean I'm going to be any less caring or any less good at my job.


I do think nurses deserve pay rises, as well as members of the armed forces as well as many different workers who go that bit further.


I don't think that MPs should get a pay rise when other jobs are suffering


Always wonder why there are so many stories in the press about bad nursing. When do you ever hear of the good things nurses do? We aren't robots, we can only do so much and to have the little benefits that are allowed to us to be taken away does not do anything for our morale no lol Xx

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It's pretty much the same for a lot of civil service workers also. As a Prison Officer, we won't be getting a pay rise, even though the cost of living is going up, so in effect we're getting a pay cut. We're paying more into our pensions and will be getting less out when we retire. The Government is also stopping incremental pay rises, yet the Pay Review body for MP's wage deem they should get more. Nurses, Prison Officers, Police Officers and other important Civil servants do a worthwhile and sometimes dangerous job, yet we seem to be being demoralised

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