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457 visa- Medical insurance duration for visa application


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Hi Guys,


I have applied for 457 visa and would need a proof of medical insurance for the visa. I am not planning to travel to Australia till January 2014, does it mean that I would need to continue with the insurance untill after I have reached Australia and got a medicare card? I am thinking in terms of cost cover as I will be paying for a family of 4 and keeping the insurance after getting the visa till we travel seems like a waste of money as health care is free in the UK.


My question is- can I cancel my insurance after getting the visa and buy it again before travelling to Australia?


Many thanks in advance.



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Yes you can. As long as you are from the uk and not Ireland (some readers are) you get the reciprocal card and don't need the insurance once here. Depending on what state you are going to you might want ambulance cover though, which you can get on its own pretty cheap.

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