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resit of IELTS GRRR


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Im so frustrated by IELTS. I sat my first test in August and got S9 W9 L8 R7. 8.5 overall!!! Soooo gutted and feel its a very unfair system! So have resat and know I have buggered up my listening! I feel exam conditions are different everytime and its just a con to get more money from you! So 260 spent and prob not the result I expect! Will sit again but really losing faith! Native English!! Why do we have to do this!! Its ridiculous!

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I sent her an email last night but I haven't heard back yet.

If you look on tutor pages website for ielts and put Catherine Tienhoven u will find her .

she is really good !

she is from Brighton and you can visit her if your local or learn over skype as I did.

when I started I didn't have a clue and ended up with 8.5 and 9.0s for all four subjects.

at first attempt!!

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@Helynn: Yes, it can be unfair. I was expecting all sevens at least, but didn’t happen. English people have to go through this to prove their English language knowledge just the same way Hungarians (for example me) have to sit a test if they claim they are proficient in that language.

Some people practice only 30 minutes the night before the test and get the marks they need.


Speaking of money, well it’s their rules to make up, they set the conditions and the price. Take it or leave it.

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  • 1 month later...
Ive been told my an MA that DIAC will only count my work experience post my degree which means I fall short of 5 points so it means resiting that damn IELTS to gain 8's across all 4 areas!! wish me luck!!

I fell short by 0.5 on the listening test... but scored well on all others...DEEP BREATH!



I know the feeling I've just redone the IELTS on the 14/12/13 I need 5 points too for a 190visa . if I don't get 7s in all this time ill just continue with the 489 EOI ..... Good luck .... I should get the results on the 27th!

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  • 4 weeks later...
I did it!

Listening: 8.5Reading: 9.0

Writing: 8.0

Speaking: 9.0

Overall: 8.5


hii kezzles ,

just saw your scores , they are really good , i have just done my ielts got he following L-9,R-8.5,W-7,S-8

i seem to be doing not so good in writing , i am not a native speaker like yourself , i did make a few spelling errors , but could you give me some pointers as to how you went about the writing part specially the essay….thanks a ton

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hii kezzles ,

just saw your scores , they are really good , i have just done my ielts got he following L-9,R-8.5,W-7,S-8

i seem to be doing not so good in writing , i am not a native speaker like yourself , i did make a few spelling errors , but could you give me some pointers as to how you went about the writing part specially the essay….thanks a ton



firstly well done with your results that's really good!! I kept my writing very simple, spent 5-10 minutes planning what I wanted to say. I did this by creating a mind map which consists of 3 circles; one for introduction one for first/second para (second paragraph not always needed) and conclusion/summary. I brainstormed as much as I could think of and jotted this down next to each circle. In my intro I basically told the reader my answer and paraphrased the question. Note well do not repeat the question as you can lose marks. I made it up do for example the subject I had was about teaching music in school and whether other subjects were more of a priority. I said something like in recent years the school curriculum has been debated...etc.. It helps to look at other examples from past tests. My intro ended something like this essay will discuss the negative xxx (depends what question has asked but if it asks for pro's and cons then this is what must be discussed in next paragraphs.


Following paragraphs keep it simple and only discuss one or two things, draw on your own experience if you can. Example: I recall from my school days that xxx. In my workplace they do xxx on a recent holiday I experienced xxx


In your final paragraph just repeat what you have decided for example this essay discussed the pros and cons of teaching music in schools and whilst there are some benefits I have concluded through my discussion I have concluded xxxxx


I hope this helps. Try and ensure your spelling is correct if in doubt use another word.

The more you plan at the start the better. Use pencil as its easier to amend mistakes. I'm guessing you need maximum points so have to do it again?


Best of luck


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firstly well done with your results that's really good!! I kept my writing very simple, spent 5-10 minutes planning what I wanted to say. I did this by creating a mind map which consists of 3 circles; one for introduction one for first/second para (second paragraph not always needed) and conclusion/summary. I brainstormed as much as I could think of and jotted this down next to each circle. In my intro I basically told the reader my answer and paraphrased the question. Note well do not repeat the question as you can lose marks. I made it up do for example the subject I had was about teaching music in school and whether other subjects were more of a priority. I said something like in recent years the school curriculum has been debated...etc.. It helps to look at other examples from past tests. My intro ended something like this essay will discuss the negative xxx (depends what question has asked but if it asks for pro's and cons then this is what must be discussed in next paragraphs.


Following paragraphs keep it simple and only discuss one or two things, draw on your own experience if you can. Example: I recall from my school days that xxx. In my workplace they do xxx on a recent holiday I experienced xxx


In your final paragraph just repeat what you have decided for example this essay discussed the pros and cons of teaching music in schools and whilst there are some benefits I have concluded through my discussion I have concluded xxxxx


I hope this helps. Try and ensure your spelling is correct if in doubt use another word.

The more you plan at the start the better. Use pencil as its easier to amend mistakes. I'm guessing you need maximum points so have to do it again?


Best of luck




Thanks kezzles ,

Yeah actually i need the magical 8"s to make the cut !!!!!

quick question again ..is it okay to use your own reference in the essay , as i was of the notion that it would make the essay more of a discussion ….

i thought the essay is more like an academic thingy where you give examples of things you have read , can you make it like a discussion where you just put in real things what you actually went through …!!!!!…i avoided using my own experiences as i thought the entire essay would become too informal …guess thats were i lost the edge on the grades ….

Also like you said the intro of the essay can start with the main objective of the write up, that will follow …so that means your views wether it is for or against the topic would have to be stated in the intro itself , followed by the rephrasing in the conclusion ….

i am actually confused about the intro…!!!!!!….say for ex if the essay is about adv and disadv …and if i am with the adv so i start off saying that my view is xxxxx and then start the next para explaining it ….nd then the cons …obvio…ending it with a conclusion..later on ..!!!!

thanks for answering to my queries…!!!!

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