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I ran over my first Roo yesterday :(

Que Sera Sera

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I hope you did the right thing and put it out of its misery?


Yes i would never leave an animal to suffer. It is not a nice feeling though but at least it was quick. Just remember that you need to remove the carcase from the road as it attracts more animals. Try to go at least 10m off into the bush.

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Now that is just daft. :biggrin:


She should have put it on the roof, taken it home and stuck it on the barbie :wink:


That's not as silly as it sounds. In 1980 I was camped near Darwin there was a group of aborigines camped nearby.

They had cooked up a big pot of kangaroo stew and they asked me if I wanted some. I was broke and hungry so I joined them.

I asked who had shot the kangaroo and was told it was a roo they had run over. For road kill it was damn tasty.

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Yes i would never leave an animal to suffer. It is not a nice feeling though but at least it was quick. Just remember that you need to remove the carcase from the road as it attracts more animals. Try to go at least 10m off into the bush.

Good stuff. Usually poms stand around like a spare can o' p1ss at a barbie. If you're gonna move here, learn what's required!

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What are roos shoes? We have roo whistles on the car which allege that they let the roos know you are coming. Don't know if they work or not but hubbie is always gullible when it comes to that sort of thing.


Yes they definitely work, if you hit a roo at high speed it can write off your car. Roo Shoos work the same way it sends out a sonar that only the roos can hear and it "shoos" them away from cars. I've seen a fair few cars written off because of roos or people swerving to avoid them and ending up rolling their car. Its worth it to save the roos life and your own.

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No strange.....My first one was couple of years ago. I was heading back to Melbourne from Bendigo around 4.30 pm......Just past the bendigo town, towards keyneton, Banggggg......I didn't realize I hit a roo until I pulled my car over about 50 meters from the spot. front bumper has smashed completely.


When I went to the mechanic the very next day to get my car fixed...he told me a story, don't know how true it is......Arrogant roos (usually wild ones) sometimes hit the cars intentionally, break the wind screens....and very rarely they even kill humans.....they don't like light coming off the head lamps...it seems......


Sorry but that story would be bollocks, they are just crossing the road like they have done for generations before the road was there! they are a bit thick and its normally the second or even third one that gets hit as they come mob handed out of the bush.

There is a huge amount of road kill out West of Brisbane due to the large increase in traffic for the CSG industry there. Its a common sight seeing Roo's and feral Pigs that have been hit by the side of the road. Apparently the crows that feed on the carcasses have been getting hit also and they sent out a bloke from the council to try and establish what was hitting them. This fella sat for three days observing them and found that it was the big vehicles not the Utes etc that were smashing them. He then saw that much like the Parrots who put a watcher to warn of danger up in the trees, that it could say Caaaar but couldn't shout Truck! sorry about that, should have left that for for the funnies forum !!:biglaugh:

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