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A little bit of help needed


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I move back home next week. My old firm still owe me 1 weeks’ wages (they paid the rest), also they owe me rent money that was deducted from my final salary payment - that should never have been. I think that they are hoping that I will be on the far side of the world and there is bugger all that I would be able to do about it. We're talking about 4k dollars. I don't want to go down the route of a solicitor as they might eat up all that I am owed. What can I do about this??

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You haven't got much time!!


I haven't been through it myself but from reading the newspapers, etc. most industrial disputes and wage discrepancies appear to be settled by Fair Work Australia (http://www.fwc.gov.au/index.cfm?pagename=home). If you don't get much joy from phoning your old company (and get it in writing if they are refusing), you could do worse I reckon than call Fair Work Australia and ask for their advice on what to do next.


Do it now though!!!!

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I e-mailed pay-role last week, no response. I e-mailed the national HR manager to day, this has been passed back down to my old PM who has asked me to a meeting on Thursday. I fly out next Wednesday. I think that I'll be in touch with Fair Work Australia. Thanks

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