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Looking for football/soccer urgently!


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Hi All,


I am new to the whole Forum thing so I am not sure if I am posting this right or whether this is the right place to post it!


Anyway, I recently moved to Melbourne from Essex a few months back and I am dying to play some football! I use to play 3 times a week back in the UK with a mixture of 7 and 11 a side.


I have heard the local league's season is coming to an end and thought it may be a good idea to get involved in some pre-season training or even if it's a run about once a week!


Any suggestions on how I can get playing would be much appreciated!



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There is quite a bit of football going on in our part of NSW, but that is no help to you in Melbourne! Look out for a foosball league (basically 5 a side) running during the summer. There may well be a summer league as well. Prehaps contact one of the local teams and ask if they know of any teams running a summer league. Have a look at the notice board in your local sports centre.


Hope you find something!

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