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how much does it really cost to transfer euros over to Oz ?


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Hi all !

Unlike what some seem to say, I find it difficult to know exactly how much it costs to send euros to an Australian bank account held in AUD.

There are plenty of nice websites which are involved in transferring money, but few will tell clearly how much it really costs you.

They all tell they beat banks rates, they charge no fees etc... but how many AUD do I get when I transfer xxx EUR ?

If all those forex specialists have such competitive rates, why is it complicated to get the information ? Why don't they simply give a quote on their main page without having to provide tens of documents and stuff ?

At the end what everyone wants to know is : how much will it show on my credit line when I transfer this amount ?


I tried today with ozforex, they will basically take 56 AUD for a transfer of 2000 EUR, considering their fees + forex rate.

with torfx, I can't get the information. when i request a quote using their online form, it does not send me an actual quote.

Can anyone please help and tell how much I would get with torfx, hifx, moneycorp when transferring say 2000 EUR ?


Cheers !

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I have used HiFx on a number of occasions when transferring from a euro account to my Australian $ account and there are no fees and always offer a much better rate than the normal banks etc.


I do believe they have a minimum amount, but not sure how much.


If you ask for a quote on a transfer, they will email the rate you will receive and the total amount based on your euro value you wish to transfer. just had a glance on their website and they are showing $1.469 at the moment.

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