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dogs flights and quarentine


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Hi I wonder if anyone who has had their pets go through the flight and and quarentine would mind sharing their experiences of it - i have two one year old gsps one of whom i adopted at xmas and I am really worreid that they may feel deserted. this especially concerns me as the adopted one is still getting used to us!

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Hi Rocki


My GSD comes out of quarantine on Friday. He was a little stressed after his flight and it took him a few days to settle down in the kennels.


I've found his carer very helpful and approachable.


They do take extreme care with your animals.


On arrival at quarantine they have a vet check them over. In fact our dog has a slight head tilt, due to a neurological problem he has. I failed to mention this to quarantine because tbh I totally forgot about it, as it's something we live with everyday. The vet though did query a neurological problem so I know they are pretty much on the ball.


We had a phone call yesterday from Sarah, my dog's carer because she was concerned that he hadn't eaten for three days and he'd lost a bit of weight.


Thankfully he was eating again this morning and I expected him to drop a bit of weight anyway.


After all that rambling on. I would say. Try not to worry too much. I think most dogs take it all in their stride and it's us the owners who stress out and worry more than the dogs actually do.


You will have so much to do and organise when you get to OZ, the 30 days will just fly by.


The dogs will be able to share the same kennel in quarantine if you wanted them too as well.


I know a few people on here have had very sad experiences of quarantine and my heart goes out to those people but considering how many animals go through quarantine each year, I think it's pretty rare for anything tragic to happen.


Hope this puts your mind a rest a bit.





Debs x

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HI guys


i think it can go both ways with regards to their weight while in quarantine.


My dogs carer said it's quite normal for them to lose a bit of weight and also she said it was common for some dogs to put on a bit of weight because of the lack of exercise


I guess it all comes down to each individual dog but I still think the majority of them come through it with no ill effects and it could be worse. they could be sentenced to 6 months in quarantine :)


Honestly 30 days is such a short time, in the big scheme of things




Debs x

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Guest Mrs Braveheart
oh thanks for your honest answer I really wanted examples of the truth not just they get through it ok!



Hi Rocki


If you use the search button that will bring up loads of posts on dogs travelling to Oz there are many stories about it on here.



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