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required documents for renting


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Looking for some advice,

we are moving to Melbourne from the UK soon and wondering what documents to bring that would help to secure a rental property.

We currently have a mortgage so will bring mortgage history repayment records, all advice welcomed



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Hi, we will be looking to rent a property in Perth soon too. I've done a rental pack and provided:


  • Passport
  • Visa details
  • Drivers licence
  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificates
  • Police checks
  • Bank statements from the UK
  • UK Mortgage statement
  • UK payslips
  • Pictures of our UK home
  • Reference from estate agents who we are using in the UK to rent our UK property
  • A sample of UK household bills
  • Reference from Billy's vet
  • Reference from Billy’s dog groomer




Hope this covers everything, it will be interesting to see what other people have included.

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We did a rental pack and were offered all the houses we wanted, we included:


- a cover letter about us and explaining we had two well behaved cats but were happy to pay pet bond as reqired

- copies of passport and visa

- copies of our job offer letters

- one bank statement of savings account

- two line reference from the real estate agent looking after our house in the UK saying it was well maintained property.


Did the trick, even with two cats.

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we've just secured our first place. we sent a covering letter outlining our situation. offering them 3 months rent in advance ( which they did take) a bank statement demonstrating ths. low down on our employment history inc cvs to demonstrate our employment record. id was Hubby's oz passport his driving licence and bank card. my passport, my driving licence, a wage slip and a credit card statement.

aso be realistic inwhat you an get. we wanted a roof over our head in our ideal lcation. we've secured a 6 month let on a place that is being bull dozed after that. it's nice inside but not te aussie dream. 3 bed when we would lie 4 no pool. but because of this we were the only onex to appy, got offered it straight away and had the keys 3 days later. we xan nw get to know the area and look for our dream home :

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