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Beginning to feel guilty


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My mum has known since we got married that our ultimate aim was to get to Australia, we got back from a holiday there last week and she got really upset because we still loved it and I think she was hoping we would change our minds lol. She knows we aren't moving for at least 3 years and she's still upset lol I do feel guilty, I don't want my family to be upset but I can't base my life decisions by choosing things that won't upset them, apart from the fact I won't do anything lol I have to do what my husband and I think is best for our family. It's so hard, I've lived apart from them since I was 18 (husband in the army) and you would think they would be used to it by now but no lol. Xx



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i wish i hadnt told family or friends until i had a date because its been strange to our relationships since. some friends seem to be backing off - i suppose they see no point in making an effort if we will be dissapearring on them soon! , my parents have said ' we wont be visiting you' ... its a bad idea ... la la la , i find this response very odd. on the otherhand , some other friends are excited , say they cant wait to visit and gave even claimed my furniture before we have left! lol, its not going to stop me going as i just feel its right for us . This waiting game is hard though , i guess i will see who really are my friends and caring family members once we have migrated! i am anticipating that i may be surprised about what relationships continue and which ones end!

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Its always been on the cards that we were going to move to Australia but since we broke it to my family that we were planning on going in a year, my mum refuses to speak to anyone about it. Its a taboo subject - she flatly refuses to discuss it, even though she knows it is happening. My dad has tried but she says that if she doesnt talk about it she wont get upset. Consequently, I get to hear all the excitement of my sisters house move (she's moving 5 mins away from her current house) but nothing about our move to the other side of the world. My friends cry when we talk about it. Since we've announced we were doing it, I have had mainly negative comments, but we are still going anyway - we'll always regret it if we dont go.

Fortunately, my husbands family are excited about it all and are saving up already to come and visit!!

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