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Pregnancy advice please


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Probably an odd title but it does relate to my desires to be back in the UK.


A few weeks ago I discovered I am pregnant, all planned and we're very excited and happy! And I appreciated that becoming pregnant my homesickness would probably get worse. I've had a few teary moments in the evenings this week but nothing I can't cope with so far.


I went to the doctor yesterday for my first appointment, and to be honest I was pretty disappointed. I don't expect anyone to set off a few fireworks and break out the bubbly, but I felt like the doctor just did not care. He asked me whether I had done a pregnancy test, and then the very next question was 'which gynecologist do you want to use?', this was shortly followed by 'which pathology lab do you want to use?'. Having never been requiring medical intervention in this country, and this being my first pregnancy (which he only asked me about later on), I don't have a bleedin' clue about gyno's and path labs! Is it so wrong to expect a doctor to give some sort of explanation about what will be happening? He didn't ask me anything about my medical history, family history, and I wasn't offered any real advice. He never looked me in the eye once just stared into his computer screen. I was in his office for a total of 4 minutes, and told me to come back in a month. Very unfriendly and unapproachable. I have seen other doctors in town for far more trivial things but I get the feeling my experience would have been similar. There are so few doctors it takes ages to get an appointment too


Later when I got home I spoke to my sister in law who had just had a baby in the UK. She said that when you first realise you're pregnant and go to the doc's, a midwife then comes round to your house, fills out lots of forms and give you lots of leaflets and advice on foods to eat, exercise, that sort of thing. After that I feel a little short changed by the medical system here, especially when I shelled out $35 after rebate for 4 minutes of a doctors time! It's not that I can't get that information elsewhere, like the internet, but it would be nice to know that they actually care about the health of your baby.


So, should I lower my expectations of what to expect from the health service here? Or does it get better once you finally get referred to the hospital at 12 weeks and see a midwife? All in all I feel a bit disappointed and hoping I don't have to rely on doctors like these to sort me out if something goes wrong.


I know what we'll end up doing, we will stay here until the baby is born so I can work as long as possible. Lots of women have babies here (over 800 babies per year), they all seem to get on with it. I think I just needed a whinge! I really miss my doctors in Cornwall, they were so nice!

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I would be upset too. Mind you, I'm an obsessive question asker, and having never been pregnant before would be asking exactly how it all worked until they were sick of me.


In the not too distant future (I keep telling myself) I am going to think about starting a family. I have already planned in my head a pre-trying drs appointment where I will be asking lots of questions.


A girl I work with is pregnant, and when she went to her first appointment at the hospital they have her goody bags and loads of info, so maybe you will get more then.


I am also worried that it will all feel like an anti climax without family and close friends here. But hey, what will be will be.

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Hi Fourcorners! Congratulations, that's super exciting news. Yay!!! I sort of feel qualified to help you out as I recently had a baby in Oz.


I'm sorry you had such an experience at the GP's. such a shame when they are like that. And doesn't help the reputation that they are all about the money, sadly.


So in Australia you have a couple of options for having your antenatal care and having the baby. You can either stay under the care of the GP and midwife and be at your local public hospital and its all under Medicare. You will pay for your blood tests and ultrasound scans with the Medicare discount etc and your stay in the hospital is all free. The other option you have is to go under the care of a private obstetrician if you have private health insurance and it covers obstetric care.


My experience was under the care of a private obstetrician. Very very different to how it would be back here in the UK. I'm happy to answer any questions you have or share my opinions! If you want to PM me that's fine too.


Wishing you well x

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Congratulations :)


It sounds like you got a particularly duff GP there but if it helps at all I remember feeling exactly like you when I had my baby and that was in the UK. I had a lovely female GP that I knew well but apart from looking pleased and congratulating me she didn't actually 'do' anything. I did then get an appointment with a midwife and that was a complete anti-climax, apart from being asked if I wanted a home or hospital delivery that was it until my scan which in Scotland the first scan is around 9 weeks (& the only one you get in a normal pregnancy). I felt completely on my own and without the support of an online forum I would have gone insane.


i never saw the same midwife or obstetrician twice - one said I needed an early induction because of my age (an ancient 36!), another said that was nonsense...in the end my baby was premature so it was academic.


the midwives in the hospital were very good and the health visitor I had was exception - I did provide feedback that much more pregnancy support was needed!


My perception in Australia from friends that have had babies is that in the private sector at least the care is exceptional compared to the UK. The last project I worked on before leaving was for a new public hospital and I got to visit the birthing suites, they were out of this world! Medicine in Australia is much more commercialized and I expect most Australians have chosen their obstetrician before TTC!! If you are going private, do some on-line research, ask on forums and get some recommendations for obstetricians with a human touch if that is important to you. Any pathology lab will do, go for a convenient one.


Good luck!

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Guest Guest72037

Congratulations! I think that your experience is pretty standard when you have your pregnancy confirmed at the doctor. I didn't get any advice from the doctor and he was very short with me. I'd go for the most convenient pathology lab for work/home.

If you do decide to have the baby in the public sector, depending on where you are, you'll have your initial appointments with your doctor for blood tests, your dating scan and 12 week scan (where they do optional tests for down's syndrome). I had to wait until around 20 weeks to have my first appointment at the hospital with a midwife and obstetrician (but I was in the high risk clinic) and they give you all of the information you need. It is absolutely normal to feel overwhelmed and like you have no clue of what is going to happen during your first pregnancy-not saying it is right but it seems to be the way in Australia.


If you're unhappy with the GP you can ask to have all of your appointments at the hospital after your first appointment. Once I was at the hospital, they were great. Waiting times were ridiculous but I felt the care I received was excellent and my birth experience was really good. Good luck.

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Guest Guest55385

I'm so sorry you had a crap experience. I have to say that I would never have a baby in this country because of how over medicalised it is. I had 2 homebirths, 1 in water and they were perfect - in the UK - but here there was talk of banning them and ppl seem very keen to go into their private hospitals, spend 5 days being pampered and letting the nurses take care of their babies. Hmm, when I say it like that it doesn't sound too bad lol, but from what I have heard DR's here are VERY dictatorial and there is a general lack of choice.

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I think it must be the particular GP. My children were born in the UK and was very similar to Jules - I only ever saw the midwives when I went to an appointment. My GP with my 2nd child started the conversation by telling me that I could deliver at home and how wonderful it would be to then actually read my notes and say "oh I see that's not an option for you" ... she looked more deflated than me - and I never actually saw her again. I have a couple of friends (both brits) who have given birth here - one public sector and one private - both more than happy with their care, although whilst in hospital, the one who went private saw her doctor once or twice a day pre and post delivery


I know that here is Aus there is really a drive to promote breast feeding and our hospital is going for accreditation in this area - as such they mentioned that now no samples of formula milk are given to new mums.


Congratulations on your news

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Thanks everyone for your advice, it really helps and I'm glad I posted on here.


I found out yesterday that a really good friend of mine is also pregnant, she is a couple of weeks ahead of me and it's so nice to have someone here to talk to. I had a funny feeling she was as she hasn't had a drink for a while and we fought over who was driving us all to the theatre last week!


Thanks again and I'll keep you posted (if you're interested!)

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Write a letter of complaint to practice manager as that is totally not on for a paid appointment - quite disgusting! Or if you prefer phone first and say you will put it in writing if you can't speak to her/him immediately. I'm not sure of the usual procedure re pregnancy but my doctors in Oz have always given me at least 10 mins and some of those have been with no cost so you had a lousy doctor. surely you should have had blood tests done at the very least and advice about diet and vitamins! That's basic care. You should also have had a health check done and been asked about blood pressure etc and have that checked. Despicable so don't put up with it!

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