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Pets back to the UK


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Hi there!! My partner got the bad news yesterday that his 457 visa has been cancelled and we are going to have to go back to the UK for a year or so to get the permanent residency visa done. We have to make this a quick move but we do also have our 2 small pug dogs to get back too. I've never done it before as I brought my dogs over here. I wondered whether anyone knew the costs and what it involves in getting my two dogs back to England. Thanks xx

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Pug dogs are particularly tricky to fly because they have breathing difficulties and don't always survive the journey - many airlines won't accept them either. I would consult with a Vet and Pet Shipping company for their opinion.

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What State are you in? I'm in NSW...call Animal Travel, I've booked them to take my Skye Terrier back and Narelle has been so patient, answered all my 'phobia' questions and were reasonably priced on comparison with places like Jetpets. Ph 02 4572 7736.

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I know for defo you'll need something called a 'Third Country Certificate' if your dogs initially came from the UK and that they had their rabies jabs. Not sure about the breed flying but the DEFRA website and/or your local vet, pet carrier service/airlines would be able to clarify this. Good luck.

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Guest Guest72037

Hi. I also have 2 pugs and it is tricky because a lot of airlines will not fly them because of their flat faces, regardless of how healthy your dogs may be. We are going through Jetpets. It is expensive, but they are taking care of most things for us (flights, crates, vet checks, accomodation etc) and our pugs have to fly via Canada. I contacted a couple of animal transporters and they were the only ones who could accomodate pugs but it could pay to shop around. They will need rabies shots with an accredited vet and to be up-to-date with all of their other vaccinations and checks (you will need certificates to prove this) but on the plus side they don't have to go into quarantine in the UK. Defra will give you any other information you will need. Good luck.

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Hi there

I am heading home and taking my blue healer with me.

shes only little (14kg) fully grown.

The price of pet transportation through an agent is astronomical $3500, my flight will be around 1200, shes six times lighter and three times more expensive..

as i am very low on cash, and selling nearly everything to pay to move i am considering doing it myself

has anyone done it themselves?

is there that much paperwork involved?

shes had her radies jab, is chipped and we have a crate so what else is there... ?


looking at flights Quatar airlines just consider her excess baggage ... leaving it upto the customer to feed and water their dog.


they do mention certain breeds that suffer from heat stroke, seeing as ali and i came over from NSW in december in a car with no air con (max heat in car 53'c) i doubt she will suffer from that...

anyhow got to sell land rover and trailer before i can move anything

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Hi there

I am heading home and taking my blue healer with me.

shes only little (14kg) fully grown.

The price of pet transportation through an agent is astronomical $3500, my flight will be around 1200, shes six times lighter and three times more expensive..

as i am very low on cash, and selling nearly everything to pay to move i am considering doing it myself

has anyone done it themselves?

is there that much paperwork involved?

shes had her radies jab, is chipped and we have a crate so what else is there... ?


looking at flights Quatar airlines just consider her excess baggage ... leaving it upto the customer to feed and water their dog.


they do mention certain breeds that suffer from heat stroke, seeing as ali and i came over from NSW in december in a car with no air con (max heat in car 53'c) i doubt she will suffer from that...

anyhow got to sell land rover and trailer before i can move anything


I wouldn't personally do it myself because if the dog sees you mid flight and knowing they cannot get out might make them very upset and anxious. Flying is very stressful on animals so I think using a professional company is money well spent on your beloved pet. All animals suffer heat stroke the same as humans, dogs can't sweat like you though they pant, so it can be fatal if they get too hot. The hold in the plane is temperature controlled so I am sure she would be fine.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Hi there

I am heading home and taking my blue healer with me.

shes only little (14kg) fully grown.

The price of pet transportation through an agent is astronomical $3500, my flight will be around 1200, shes six times lighter and three times more expensive..

as i am very low on cash, and selling nearly everything to pay to move i am considering doing it myself

has anyone done it themselves?

is there that much paperwork involved?

shes had her radies jab, is chipped and we have a crate so what else is there... ?


looking at flights Quatar airlines just consider her excess baggage ... leaving it upto the customer to feed and water their dog.


they do mention certain breeds that suffer from heat stroke, seeing as ali and i came over from NSW in december in a car with no air con (max heat in car 53'c) i doubt she will suffer from that...

anyhow got to sell land rover and trailer before i can move anything


Some airlines will only deal with agents anyway so you may not have any choice and to be honest it's usually the flight itself that costs all the money not the agent.

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Hi there

I am heading home and taking my blue healer with me.

shes only little (14kg) fully grown.

The price of pet transportation through an agent is astronomical $3500, my flight will be around 1200, shes six times lighter and three times more expensive..

as i am very low on cash, and selling nearly everything to pay to move i am considering doing it myself

has anyone done it themselves?

is there that much paperwork involved?

shes had her radies jab, is chipped and we have a crate so what else is there... ?


looking at flights Quatar airlines just consider her excess baggage ... leaving it upto the customer to feed and water their dog.


they do mention certain breeds that suffer from heat stroke, seeing as ali and i came over from NSW in december in a car with no air con (max heat in car 53'c) i doubt she will suffer from that...

anyhow got to sell land rover and trailer before i can move anything




I think there's a bit more involved that what you believe. Have you asked the transporters for a detailed quote? That will tell you whats involved. Pom queen is right, I think there are only certain airlines who will actually transport animals, and some of those will only deal with qualified transporters. As for food? I am taking my 11kg Skye terrier back to Scotland and have booked the carriers who told me she has to be wormed within 24hrs of flying and a special diet that will minimize my dog 'messing' in the crate which apart from the obvious, most dogs won't mess in their own bed and will cause unecessary stress.

Overall, my dog is costing $3300 and my flight is around $1500 but for me, it's peace of mind that ive hired the best and taken all precautions to lessen the stress for my wee 4legged best friend.

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