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Visa Help?!!


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My partner and I have been speaking about moving to Australia for a while now and decided to start seriously looking into it once our wedding was passed. It is now 6 weeks to the wedding and he has started to apply for jobs :biggrin:He seems to think it would be easier for him to get a job once he got over there and to apply for the working holiday visa (he turns 31 in Jan) but I feel this is too risky as he has a good job here to give up if he was not to find something. He is a gas production (cbm) and found his job on the csol list 399212. He does have a HND but it isn't applicable to the job he is in now. He has worked in this job for over 7 years now but when reading on the TRA I am getting the impression he would need to take the assessment? I'm just not too sure where to go from here. We would ideally like to go out next year around September time, is he best to try and get sponsered from a company or to take the assessment and apply for the visa??


Sorry if this doesn't make much sense as I'm still trying to read up about everything :embarrassed:



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My partner and I have been speaking about moving to Australia for a while now and decided to start seriously looking into it once our wedding was passed. It is now 6 weeks to the wedding and he has started to apply for jobs :biggrin:He seems to think it would be easier for him to get a job once he got over there and to apply for the working holiday visa (he turns 31 in Jan) but I feel this is too risky as he has a good job here to give up if he was not to find something. He is a gas production (cbm) and found his job on the csol list 399212. He does have a HND but it isn't applicable to the job he is in now. He has worked in this job for over 7 years now but when reading on the TRA I am getting the impression he would need to take the assessment? I'm just not too sure where to go from here. We would ideally like to go out next year around September time, is he best to try and get sponsered from a company or to take the assessment and apply for the visa??


Sorry if this doesn't make much sense as I'm still trying to read up about everything :embarrassed:




This is what I call doing it the hard way. I think sometimes people think it is the easy way, but finding an employer willing to sponsor is difficult for most. If the occupation is in the CSOL, see if any states are sponsoring and try skilled migration, this involves skills assessment. Skills assessment is not generally required for employer sponsored temporary visas.

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We spoke about it last night and was on bobinoz website and seen an Austrailian company who can help with CV so we are going to do this. How do I find out what states are sponsoring his jobs on the CSOL?


We priced the skills assessment yesterday and I think that might be the best route for us to down

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There is a sticky at the top of the migration section with useful links. I think the links to the state lists are in there.

I applied for jobs with a uk style cv and had no problems. If you are the best candidate then the set out of the cv won't matter. Certainly not worth paying someone to do. Your money would be better spent on a migration agent to help with the skills assessment.

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We spoke about it last night and was on bobinoz website and seen an Austrailian company who can help with CV so we are going to do this. How do I find out what states are sponsoring his jobs on the CSOL?


We priced the skills assessment yesterday and I think that might be the best route for us to down


Dont waste your money on Australian companies that an help with CVs. You don't need a CV to get a visa.

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Thanks for the comments. Think you are correct we would be best to keep the money for like you say the skills assessment. We have been speaking to GoMatalida who advise that his jobs is on the skills list and when we complete the EOI it is asking for skills assessment results to continue. GoMatalida advised that he would need to complete the skills assessment but before doing this he needs to get a qualification in his job. He has been in his job for 7years but his HND is nothing to do with his current occupation.


due to him not having any qualifications that refer to his current job would the best way forward be for him to get a NVQ and then apply for the skills assessment?


Thanks Again!!

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