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Medical cover in Perth


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Hi, were travelling to Perth in November with a 416 working visa for at least year and were wondering what the best way is to get any medical cover in the unlikely event if either us needing any. Is it a good idea to take long term travellers insurance out ? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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If you are from the UK you need medical cover until you arrive, then you are covered by the Reciprocal Agreement between Australia and the UK. This means that you get the same level of medical care as an Australian would. Where an Australian has to pay, you have to pay. Where they don't have to pay, you don't have to pay. This only covers public care. I am not sure what the situation is if you want to take out private health care.


For example, if you see a GP you would pay exactly the same as an Australian. If you are seen in an A&E Department you will not pay anything, nor will an Australian.


You need to take your passport with you if you need medical care, or you can register with medicare on arrival and they will send you a medicare card to your Australian address.

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