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Migration agent north west England...


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Can anyone recommend a migration agent in the northwest of England (or anyone know any to steer clear from?). My husband has booked an appointment with one in manchester but hasn't really done much research as to how good they are so I just wanted to see if anyone has any advice on it before we go ahead? They are a MARA one so does that seem to guarantee they are good? Thanks in advance :wink:

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I actually think that getting a migration agent based in Australia is the best option, you don't pay VAT that way as well. :biggrin:


Being MARA registered is certainly an essential selection criteria, does it mean they are good though ... hmm not really, the one I used initially was MARA registered and they were terrible and I fired them and did it myself in the end. What it does mean though is you have come back and you have a governing body to report them to should it come to that.

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