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Last Remaining Relative plus Bridging Visa or Long Term Visa


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Hi There


My wife and I are now residents in Sydney plus my son is a citizen of Australia. Our daughter who is 32 wants to come and join us in Australia and she is single.



  • We have looked at the LRR issue and have been told that waiting period can be many years
  • We have looked into Student Visa but that would cost over $20k in study alone using the International student cost whereas if she was here on some other visa in Australia the cost of study would be no more than $3k
  • She is keen to study childcare and work in children services which is a sought over profession in Australia
  • I suppose we could look for a 457 sponsor but they would be looking for qualified persons in this field - so that option could deem to be futile
  • The course for this profession is 2 years at Tafe and we are happy to sponsor our daughter and assist while she studies etc so what is the easiest and most favorabble method to get her here ASAP or before end of January and allowing her to study and live in Australia while her LRR application gets processed.
  • Is there a method in which she can do this without going through the Intrenational students visa application
  • THank you in advance
  • PerryG


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Hi there. No matter if she was on a student visa or a bridging visa waiting for the LRR she would still have to pay international fees. She could not be sponsored for a 457 without having studied or worked extensively in that occupation.

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LRR visa has currently over 15years waiting time, with the reduction of available places for this visa during this financial year I would expect the waiting time to increase. Meeting a partner that does not have all family settled in Australia will make her not eligible for LRR so potentially requiring her to be single for 15+ years.


Working in children services may be a profession that is sought after in Australia, but this is not reflected in the eligible skills occupation list. The only childcare occupations that are available for sponsorship on 457 require degree qualification and 3 years work experience. A TAFE course will not get her the level if qualifications required to be able to be sponsored.


Before going down the student visa route would advise to consult with a registered migration agent.

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