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Going to oz - read this in today's uk google news and go prepared


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Adobe (I use some of their Creative Suite software) have just slashed their Aussie prices after being thoroughly humiliated at a Parliamentary committee hearing.


Would that the others would feel the same humiliation.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

It's because they are using the actual price in dollars and then using the exchange rate, when the dollar was at $2.6 to £1 everything in Oz was cheaper, but when the rate was $1.45 to £1 like it was just recently it makes it look like everything's dearer, but neither is correct, because using the current exchange rate is pointless and using the current exchange rate means wages are paid at up to 40% more in Australia, which again is nonsense. What it does however, is give Australians the great option of buying things abroad, almost every major currency has plummeted against the Oz dollar, because most countries have been in recession or had flat line economies, but Australia has boomed over the last 5 years. This is a typical mistake that a lot of people make and it is pointless.

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