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Removal company in Oz

Big bird 12

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I am trying to find a company based in Australia that would be able to look after my 20 foot container once it lands in Sydney. It would need customs clearance in Sydney & delivery to our home in Canberra .

I have got an Irish company to ship it from here but they don't do anything on the other side ..

I have got quotes for an all in package but it seems far more expensive.

I got one quote from an Australia company & I nearly collapsed at the money they wanted to drop the contrainer 2 & half hours up the road ... Can anybody recommend a Sydney / Canberra based company that could be reasonable?

Only 3 weeks b4 we have to move out of our house here in Ireland & starting to feel the pressure..

Looks like moving a family of 6 to the other side of the world is going to be Even harder than I imaged :arghh:


Thanks for any advice..

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