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The Last thing Aussie Sport Needs!!


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Guest Guest66881

I have always looked at it this way around, the least medals gained from an Olympics usually means the cleaner country:wink:

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I have always looked at it this way around, the least medals gained from an Olympics usually means the cleaner country:wink:

That might have been the case years ago but with all the strict testing procedures it just means the ones that are cheating (YES CHEATING!!!!) are not very good at sport or just thick!


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Guest Ptp113
That might have been the case years ago but with all the strict testing procedures it just means the ones that are cheating (YES CHEATING!!!!) are not very good at sport or just thick!


Essendon docs gave players supplements that ASADA told them were not illegal and Stuart O'Grady owned up to taking EPO once in 1998. Best you research poms taking illegal drugs. To help you start with Tom Simpson, Tour de France

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I believe that they have all been at it, in dribbles they are admitting it, so it seems like if you were not taking drugs you were not in the in crowd.


One has to say that this is never going to stop whilst money is involved in sport the way it is now. Such an incentive, would you throw away your big salary or career when you are advised that you could take this and that, of course not, we are human. This is what humans do and have been doing for centuries.


I just think that they will admit when they have to and just remember that their are other sports that never get much attention, tennis, cricket but who knows why would only some of them be at it.


Shame really, money has ruined sport. When my oh was cycling in the vets, they talked about this and that making them go faster unbelievable it was just local stuff.

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I keep meaning to go the national museum of sport here in Melbourne, would be great to see some relics from when Australia was a great sporting nation.


Cycling and Athletics are always going to be the most likely to have drugs cheats as there is less skill involved than say Football, Cricket, or Tennis.

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