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Second year WHV investigation advice


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Hi there



I am currently undertaking my regional work to apply for second year working holiday visa in Australia. I have been offered to finish my regional work a month early and be signed off by the farmer to say I have completed the work. I am wonderingly anyone has any experience of getting investigated, if I do get investigated, what information do the immigration look for, and what I need to send to prove I did the work. And would they be able to track my passport if I fly or leave the country in the next month when I apply for the visa. Thanks

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Yes they can/will track your passport, as everything (immigration/passport control etc) is actually joined up here in Oz, rather than in the UK where everything seems to happen in a bubble (not tracking in a negative manner, its just that as dept.s are linked up, they know when you are in the country or not and how that matches up with visa dates etc).


I don't know if you submit your proof of regional work when you apply for the second year visa or not, not having done it myself, but I do know if they pull you over at the airport and dates don't match up, pieces of paper don't make sense, they can just turn you back and cancel the visa (and ban you from Oz for a further 3 years automatically as well), so imho its not worth lying about (I know someone who got turned back on a WHV from being looked at at the airport).

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It is a three year ban if they realise. It seems very common that they realise an employer has been doing it and then cancel all 2nd working holiday visas (even if you have already started it) until you can PROVE you did the work. For this they need things like payslips, bank accounts showing pay going in for that period, and living expenses being spent in that regional area. Don't do it.

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