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People applied for 189 - business Analyst still waiting for invite


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I have got 60 points and had applied for 189 as a business analyst on 11/06/2013 and still haven't got an invite. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the next round. If I do not get the invite, would I be better off changing my skills assessment from business analyst to Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists? I think ceiling in that occupation will not be reached.


People who applied for 189 with skills assessment as Business analyst and are still waiting for the invite post in this thread so that we can know what is our status.

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Is the ceiling reached for the occupation you did apply for? If not, I can't see what difference changing code makes. It is not that long since you lodged the EOI, I expect you just need to wait.


The ceiling has not been reached yet. In 1st july round 480 out of 1380 were filled. Reports for 15th of july have not been released yet, I think again 400 invites might have been sent that would leave around 400 more invites so I was just speculating if I do not get the invite in the August round then maybe I should change my assessment to some occupation in which ceiling has not been reached.

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