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Medical query (referred)


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Advice needed please guys.



Our sons medical was referred back in February, we knew it would be so we went with lots of reports, and well prepared.



He is diagnosed with mild high functioning autism, we have had a full assessment carried out to show he has no intellectual impairment etc, and included school reports (he is in a mainstream school and doing great), and information from his speech therapist and paediatrician too. I gave copies of these reports to be included with his medical assessment. We also have had a report prepared to estimate his cost to the Australian government in his first 5 years (organised by our MA). I also took information on his medication, he was great on the day and even the medical officer on the day made notes on how cooperative he was.



Anyway my query is, we received the paper copies of our medicals in the post, we haven't received our sons. I called Medibank and was told there was a backlog so I mentioned that we were not lodging our visa yet so not to worry.



I called again yesterday (we have now lodged DR) and was told that his medical results were filed and that our case officer needs to email and request them, then his results would be quickly looked at again then released, and we won't receive a paper copy...is this normal practice? It seems a little odd to me that they were filed and if finalised then why do they need to be looked at again?

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