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Anyone whose TRA/MPA/Visa application refused due to not comparable educational qualification


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HiBefore leaving my dream to reach Australia, I just want to know if anyone's application for TRA skills assessment or Migration points application / Visa application refused due to their educational qualification degree is not comparable to Australian degree?Thanks.

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I'm sure there would be lots. Has it happened to you, or you are just worrying?



I asked that because it is the only thing which is yet preventing me to apply for a visa. I have successful TRA skills assessment which issued in 2007 and also got sponsorship from SA under skillsselect but yet not applied for a visa because I think though not sure that, my educational qualification is not comparable to Australian qualification. I also contacted a MARA agent but even after paid his consultancy charges (which is a big amount in Indian currency) I am yet unanswered about that, whether I will be awarded points for my qualification or not?.



Hence, now I am tired and gutted even after spending a big amount and I have now decided to apply for a visa without fearing about refusal of my application. Hence, prior to that, I wanted to know about anyone's refusal due to not comparable qualification.

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